Saturday, May 23, 2020
Case Study Martin Textile Starbuck - 1000 Words
Q1. What constitutes operation for your organization of which you are a member, or your place of business? Q2. Why is globalization seen as a panacea to world problems by some and an instigator of problems by others? What responsibilities should corporations have toward the country in which they operate? To their country of origin? CASE STUDY 1 MARTIN TEXTILES Question 1 Economic cost The production cost that is labour cost if Martin Textile shift its production to Mexico will be reduced to less than USD2 per hour as compared to wage rate paid to its unionised New York plant(USD12.50 per hour) and non unionised textile plant in southeastern US(USD8 to USD10 per hour). The production too will be able to avoid cost disadvantage†¦show more content†¦Starbucks will only play minor role in the market. b. Licensing format would not give Starbucks the tight control over management, marketing and strategy in the licensee firm’s country in order to maximize its profitability. Under licensing agreement, control over marketing, strategy and decision making will be done by liscensee firm. Where normally the decision made is for the benefit and profit of licensee firm. c. Although Starbuck could license its product its real competitive advantage comes from its management skills and marketing capabilities which are often not amenable to licensing. Licensee firm may not be able to be as efficient as the firm could it self. As a result the licensee firm may not be able to fully exploit the profit potential inherent in foreign market. Question 4 Starbuck realised that pure licensing agreement would not give Starbuck the control needed to ensure Japanese licensee followed it succesfull formula, therefor the company had established a join venture with Sazaby Inc in Japan. Starbuck first foreign direct investment. After Japan, the company embarked on aggresive foreign investment program by purchasing Seattle Coffee, a British company chain, opened stores in Taiwan, China,Singapore,South Korea and Malaysia. Starbucks expand aggresively to Switzerland by entering join venture with a Swiss company Bon Appetite Group. Starbucks license its format to the Swiss company byShow MoreRelatedStrategic Management and Ikea9925 Words  | 40 PagesThe purpose of this assignment is to identify the critical issues from the given case study about â€Å"IKEA - how the Swedish retailer became a global cult brand†. This was an abridge version of the article from Business Week Online issued on 14th November 2005, in Helsinborg - Sweden. IKEA is famous for its affordable furniture which consumers are required to assemble for themselves (Appendix 1). According to the case, IKEA is in a critical situation. 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In all other cases, no part of this publ ication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without either the prior written permission of the Publishers orRead MoreStrategic Human Resource Management View.Pdf Uploaded Successfully133347 Words  | 534 Pages....................................................... 614 UNIVERSAL PRACTICES VS. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men Essay - 618 Words
After the Great Depression, many things changed, different\\ genders and races were all treated differently. Blacks and white women were forced to be outcast in the world, women belonged in the house and blacks did not belong anywhere. In the book Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck portrays perfectly of how blacks and women were separated from everyone else with Curley’s wife and Crooks, the black stable hand. Curley’s wife and Crooks are alike in many ways; in their loneliness, the way they are separated from everyone else and how they get out casted from everything, discriminated against during the time period; which helps show how blacks and women were treated during this time period of life. Loneliness is something experienced by both†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"I don’ like Curley. He ain’t a nice fella,†(86) Curley’s wife did not actually like him; she married him to prove her mother wrong. She thought he was too focused on how wel l he could fight. However, Crooks grew up always being discriminated from against the world because of his color, but even that after a while got to be lonely. Although he did not put his self out for everyone’s attention, he just stayed alone and read his books. During this time period, blacks were highly segregated from whites and women were believed to belong inside the house. This was portrayed in the book by the boss beating Crooks whenever something went wrong with the farm, and how Crooks was forbidden to do anything because of his color. That was the only job available to him at the time also, so if he left he would be unable to support himself. Curley’s wife somehow always found a way to find the guys and ask where her husband was, when she actually did not care. She believed she was stuck on the farm because of him and would not forgive him. â€Å"Why’n’t you tell her to stay the hell home where she belongs?†(61) Carlson tells Curley after one of her famous disappearances. Curley’s wife often trails the guys around trying to see which guy she can get to pay her any attention. Lennie was an easy target for her, and when she finally got what she wanted she ended up regretting it. Throughout all their differences and similarities, they showShow MoreRelatedEssay on John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men1451 Words  | 6 PagesJohn Steinbecks Of Mice and Men .The novel Of Mice and Men was written by John Steinbeck. In Soledad, California during the Great Depression in the 1930s two men of the one named George and the other named Lennie were men who travel around working at ranches. George is the small, quick-witted one, and Lennie is the big, slow, dumb and extremely strong one. They have a dream, to have a little place all to themselves, without anyone bothering them. Their dreams are shattered though, when LennieRead MoreLoneliness In John Steinbecks Of Mice And Men1358 Words  | 6 Pages The Depression of Loneliness â€Å"Guys like us...are the loneliest guys in the world†(Steinbeck 15). Loneliness as a common feeling by the millions of migrant workers all over the United States during the Great Depression. John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, set in this era, depicts a story of loneliness within an old man named Candy; a young woman known as Curley’s Wife; and a discriminated African American named Crooks, on a barely farm in California. The ranch is filled with migrant workers, butRead MoreArchetypes In John Steinbecks Of Mice And Men838 Words  | 4 Pageswith the characters quickly and accurately. Lennie’s archetype is innocent because he is always so caring to others. He is also taken advantage of a lot. Lennie is always so positive even when the hardest situations are thrown at him. In John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men novel Lennie Smalls archetype is portrayed as innocent because he is so pure, positive and accepting. An example of direct characterization for Lennie is Crooks and him talking towards the end of the book. Lennie and Crooks are talkingRead More John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men Essays555 Words  | 3 PagesOf Mice and Men Similarities and Differences Between George and Lennie John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men concerns and unlikely couple who travel about the country searching for work. Throughout the novel, characteristics of important people are similar yet different. George Milton and Lennie Small are two characters that have many differences physically, but many similarities mentally. Initially, George Milton is a kind, short and trustworthy companion of Lennie. George travels with LennieRead MoreEssay on John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men 1986 Words  | 8 PagesAbstract: When Of Mice and Men is read between the lines, it is easy to discover Steinbeck’s objective. Men are destined to be alone, despite their hardships, despite their connections. In order to establish these ideas Steinbeck develops his characters, the relationships they share, and their interactions. Of Mice and Men is considered a classic novel for a reason. Steinbeck does an excellent job of establishing powerful themes while using unparalleled writing techniques. Steinbeck was able to takeRead More John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men Essay976 Words  | 4 PagesJohn Steinbecks â€Å"Of mice and men†Of Mice and Men is set along the Salinas River a few miles south of Soledad in the fallen world of the Salinas Valley, which Steinbeck places east of Eden the Promised Land is only a painful and illusory dream. This land is populated by sons of Cain, men doomed to walk alone. One of the major themes that comes from this is loneliness, or fear of apartness. One of the themes of Of Mice and Men is that men fear loneliness, that they need someone to beRead MoreJohn Steinbecks Of Mice and Men Essay1188 Words  | 5 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;quot;Of Mice and Menquot; is a play written by John Steinbeck that focuses on life during the mid 1930s. This play has many recurring themes, and one of these themes is that of loneliness. This loneliness is because of the intolerance of society on those who are different. The underlying, yet stunningly obvious, theme of loneliness can be found in many characters with many examples. This loneliness due to isolation and intolerance is found in the characters of CandyRead More Loneliness in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men Essay2202 Words  | 9 PagesLoneliness in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men   Mother Theresa once said, Loneliness is a mans worst poverty. Without friends and companions, people begin to suffer from loneliness and solitude (Dusenbury 38). Loneliness is an inevitable fact of life and cannot be avoided, as shown prevalent through each of the characters in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men. Each and every character in this novel exhibits loneliness. Lennie was isolated for being mentally handicapped, Candy was isolatedRead MoreSociety In Anthem And John Steinbecks Of Mice And Men815 Words  | 4 Pagespush society to its limits and with that, show society’s true nature. This is displayed best in Ayn Rand’s Anthem and John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men; one set in a post-apocalyptic age where man struggles to rebuild and the other set during the Great-Depression. By comparing Ayn Rand’s message concerning the individual in society in Anthem to John Steinbeck’s in Of Mice and Men it is clear that one has a main message t hat society is a burden to the individual, while the other’s message is that societyRead MoreRacial Discrimination In John Steinbecks Of Mice And Men899 Words  | 4 Pagesis someone to talk to. What about having to kill a friend, and bury all chances of breaking free from the life of an average migrant worker? How would anybody feel? These situations in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men illustrates two key points throughout the story; discrimination and loneliness. In Of Mice and Men, Crooks, the black stable hand, is the definition of racial discrimination. He is isolated from the community of white migrant workers because of his racial status. Crook mentioned this
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Study of Lg Free Essays
[pic] In partial fulfillment Of BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION [pic] Submitted to: Submitted by: SWARNITA SRIVASTAVA bb Asst Professor BBA 4sem Roll no SUN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY 7 Km,Milestone Bareilly Road NH-24, Haji Nagla,Shahjahanpur (U. P) [pic] DECLARATION I, ANJU MISHRA , hereby declare that the work titled Comparative Analysis of Employee`s perspective towards â€Å"COMPARATIVE STUDY OF LG AND VIEDOCON AIR CONDITIONERS†embodied in this report has been carried out by me as an original work. I declare that no part of it has been submitted for any degree of any institution previously. We will write a custom essay sample on Study of Lg or any similar topic only for you Order Now Date: 30 APIRL, 2013 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to all those who, directly or indirectly made this project possible. I have got considerable help and support in making this project report a reality from many people. I would like to thank Mr. ABHIJEET MISHRA, SIMT,SHAHJAHANPUR whose endeavor for perfection, under fatigable zeal, innovation and dynamism contributed in a big way in completing this project. This work is the reflection of his thought, ideas, concept and above all his modest effort. PREFACE This is the project about profiling the brand personality of air conditioner brands. The project involves the study of the whole Air Conditioner market. In this study we have studied the two of the major players in AC that is LG, Videocon. The report included the survey of the customer’s of these particular brands and then analyzing what kind of their customers are, the brand targets which segment of the customers, the customer’s age group, income group, their education level. Indian Consumer durables market used to be dominated by few domestic players like Godrej, Samsung, Hitachi Voltas and Kalvinator. But post liberalization much foreign company have entered into Indian market dethroning the Indian player and dominating Indian market the major categories in the market AIR CONDTIONERS CONTENT 1. INTRODUCTION †¢ COMPANY PROFILE KNOWLEDGE ABOUT COMPANY †¢ OBJECTIVE OF THE SURVEY 2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY †¢ COLLECTION OF DATA †¢ QUESTIONNAIER 3. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 4. CONCLUSION 5. FINDING AND SUGGESSION 6. BIBLIOGRAPHY RESEARCH OBJECTIVES ? To identify the two major player of AC market and their market share, products and the players within this segment. ? We Have taken the major competitors in AC segment as LG, Videocon, and did an in depth comparison of the same on certain parameters, which will be ? defined in the due course of the proposal. ? To ascertain potential market and competition. Ascertain the consumer preferences and satisfaction factor ? To highlight the perception of the consumers for the Air Conditioners. ? To do the brand profiling. ? To know the personality traits, likings of the customers for individual brands. ? To know which customer prefer which brand. ? Why do they purchase this brand only? ? How does this brand matches to their personality. ? Which brand targets or is liked by the customers of which age group ? Which brand is affordable by which income group. ? Do the customers want to repurchase this brand? If yes, then why so. What are the characteristics of the customer the brand targets? COMPANY PROFILE OF LG History [pic] When Willis Carrier invented the first system for â€Å"manufactured weather†in 1902, he spar ked an industry that revolutionized the way in which we live, work and play. From that defining moment – and through to the present day – Carrier has been a company built on a legacy of innovation. For more than a century, our research, expertise and forethought have resulted in market-leading innovations and â€Å"firsts†that have shaped and defined the heating, air conditioning and refrigeration industry. Through our history of product excellence and committed customer service, we have evolved into a global company serving millions of people and businesses in 172 countries on six continents around the world. [pic] Carrier India Vision: To be recognized as the leader in every segment we operate in by ? Being ‘customer focused’ in everything we do and following ACE diligently. Delivering ‘best in class’ quality in the product as well as aftermarket service. ? Being ‘environmentally conscious’ in areas of energy efficiency and pollution. Establishing a performance culture that respects human values team work remain embedded in our core values of EHS and ethics Thereby growing profitably and ahead of the market every year, making Carrier a destination of choice for all within HVACR industry. LG Electronics Is one of the leading companies in the field of electronics with a global presence in many countries. .Before briefing, I have divided the introd uction part into three main sub parts. †¢ LG Global †¢ LG India †¢ LG Pune History of company The company was originally established in 1958 as Gold Star, producing radios, TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, and air conditioners. The LG Group was a merger of two Korean companies, Lucky and Gold Star, from which the abbreviation of LG was derived. The current â€Å"Life’s good†slogan is a backronym. Before the corporate Name change to LG, household products were sold under the Brand name of Lucky, while electronic products were sold under the brand name of Gold Star. The Gold Star brand is still perceived as a discount brand. In 1995, Gold Star was renamed LG Electronics, and acquired Zenith Electronics of the United States. pic] Global Operation LG Electronics is playing an active role in the world market with its assertive global business policy. As a result, LG Electronics controls 110 local subsidiaries in the world with around 82,000 executive and employees. LG Group †¢ LG. Philips LCD †¢ LG Chemical †¢ LG Telecom †¢ LG Powercom †¢ LG Twins †¢ LG Dacom Business areas and main products Mobile communications [pic] a) CDMA Handsets, b) GSM Handsets, c) 3G Handsets, d) Cellular Phones Digital appliance[pic] a) Air Conditioners, b) Refrigerators, c) Microwave Ovens, d) Washing Machines, e) Vacuum Cleaners, f) Home Net, ) Compressors for Air Conditioners and Refrigerators Digital display[pic] a) Plasma TVs, b) LCD TVs, c) Micro Display Panel TVs, d) Monitors, e) PDP Modules, f) OLED Panels, g) USB Memory, h) Flat Panel Computer Monitors Digital media a) Home Theater Systems, b) DVD Recorders, c) Super Multi DVD Rewriters, d) CD ±RW, e) Notebook PCs, f) Desktop PCs, g) PDAs, h) PDA Phones, i) MP3 Players, j) New Karaoke Systems, [pic] Vision Global Top 3 by 2010 Global Top 3 Electronic/Telecommunication company Growth strategy â€Å"Fast innovation, Fast growth†Core competency â€Å"Product leadership, Market leadership, People leadership†Corporate culture No excuse, â€Å"we†not â€Å"I†, Fun workplace TAG LINE â€Å"Life’s Good†represents LG’s determination to provide delightfully smart products that will make your life good. The LG Electronics Life’s Good signature consists of the LG logo, seal, and the slogan, â€Å"Life’s Good†set in Charlotte sans typeface curved around the LG symbol. The curving of the slogan reinforces LG’s personality and uniqueness. The consistent usage of this signature clearly establishes the unique identity of the company and unifies every division and product from LG Electronics across the globe. The Symbol The symbol of LG is the face of future. The letter â€Å"L†and â€Å"G†in a circle symbolizes world, future, youth, humanity technology . LG philosophy is based on humanity. [pic] It also represents LG’s efforts to keep close relationship with our customers around the world. The symbol consists of two elements. 1. The logo in LG gray 2. The stylized image of human face in the unique LG red color. Red color represents our friendliness and gives a strong impression of LG’s commitment to deliver the best. The circle symbolizes The Globe. The stylized image of a smiling face in the symbol conveys â€Å"Friendliness and Approachability†. The one eye on the symbol represents â€Å"Goal-oriented, Focused Confident†. The slogan of LG is â€Å"Life’s Good†. It expresses â€Å"Brand’s Value, Promises, Benefits, Personality. The Partnership LG Electronics chooses to promote harmony and build constructively on a labor-management relationship rather than an employee-employer relationship. This illustrates that management and workers are not in a vertical relationship, but in a horizontal one. This culture is necessary for LG Electronics as it strives to become one of the world’s top companies. Such a relationship is transformed into a value-creation relationship whereby both parties endeavor to address mutual problems and create new values together. Strategic alliance LG Electronics is making technical advances and identifying business opportunities through various associative relationships with some of the world’s leading companies. LG Electronics is striving to become number one in the world by mingling in various business and technological fields and making strategic alliances with world famous companies. Strategic association between corporations,†In which companies with different infrastructures cooperate in the fast-developing 21st century business field, Is of key significance in terms of strengthening the existing industry and creating a new one. [pic] LG Electronics will do its best to create new products and services with an open mind, while developing new technologies and business fields through various associations with some of the world’s most successful companies. 1. 3M 2. SUN 3. YAHOO 4. PHILLIPS 5. TOYOTA 6. MICROSOFT 7. HP 8. GOOGLE 9. GE 10. INTEL 11. NORTEL 12. HITACHI 13. PRADA 14. RENESAS 15. TOSHIBA 16. BESTBUY And the number follows many more†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. In Feb. 2007 LG Electronics and Yahoo formed a strategic alliance. Yahoo mobile services will be available from LG mobile. This service is targeting 10 million LG mobile phones in over 70 countries. In Mar. 2007 LG Electronics and Google formed a strategic alliance. Both companies will work together to release, market, and offer LG mobile phones with Google services (search engine, map, email, and blogs. ) LG BRAND IDENTITY:- The brand of LG is delightfully smart. LG strives to enhance the customer’s life and lifestyle with intelligent features, institutive functionality and exceptional performance. The brand platform:- The LG brand is composed of four basic elements – 1. Value 2. Promise 3. Benefits 4. Personality The Brands core Value that never changes. a. Trust, b. Innovation, c. People d. Passion The benefits that are consistently delivered to the customer includes Reliable products Simple design Ease of use Extraordinary Experience Personality describes the human characteristic that are expressed to the customer through Trustworthy, Considerate Practical, Friendly The Internal Culture of LG: LG practices four cultures 1. Learning Culture 2. Boundary less Environment 3. A Carrier 4. Growth According to LG, the Learning Culture continuously helps the employee to learn more and more to develop the habit of continuous learning. Boundary less Environment:- It means that there is no difference between the levels of employees. There is transparency between the work and mutual understanding between all the employees. A carrier is highly growing in LG and one who is the employee can develop their carrier largely. A new comer will feel fully comfortable in the company and for a new comer the company is very helpful in the overall growth of personality. Growth in LG is very high for those who are in the company and for those who want to join in LG. The company is growing with fast innovation and the BLUE Ocean strategy is one of the examples of growth. Mission The mission of LG is to provide the customers with utmost satisfaction through leadership. The fundamental policy of development is to secure product leadership that the Customers may have the utmost satisfaction. Product Leadership We are focusing on six development areas to become the product leader. 1. New Machine 2. Reliability 3. Conventional Installation 4. Environment Friendly Product 5. Low Noise Vibration 6. Energy Saving Quality Innovation The policy of quality assurance is to provide customers with utmost satisfaction by supplying zero defects. [pic] LG proceeds in a hierarchal manner. It is named as â€Å"LG WAY†. From top to bottom: No. 1 LG – is the VISION Jeong-DO†Management is LG’s unique application to ethics. LG will succeed through fair management practices and constantly developing our business skill. A) Honest with our customer b) Providing great values to customer through constant innovation and development. c) Equal opportunities d) Equal Treatment e) Management Principle – Creating value for customer Code of cond uct of LG: 1. Responsibility and obligations to customers : †¢ Respect for Customers †¢ Creating Value †¢ Providing Value 2. Fair competition: †¢ Pursuit of Free Competition †¢ Compliance with Laws and Regulations . Fair Transaction : †¢ Equal Opportunity †¢ Fair Transaction Procedure †¢ Support and Aid for Business Partners 4. Basic Ethics for Employees: †¢ Basic Ethics †¢ Completion of Duty †¢ Self Development †¢ Fairness in Performance †¢ Avoidance of conflict with company interest 5 Corporate Responsibilities to employees: †¢ Respect for human dignity †¢ Fair Treatment †¢ Promoting Creativity 6 Responsibilities to society and country: †¢ Rational Business Development †¢ Protection of stock holder interest †¢ Contribution to social development †¢ Environmental Conservation LG INDIA LG Electronics India Pvt. Ltd. , a wholly owned subsidiary of LG Electronics, South Korea was established in January 1997 after clearance from the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB). LG set up a state-of-the art manufacturing facility at Greater Noida, near Delhi, in 1998, with an investment of Rs 500 Crores. LG corporate office is located at Plot no. 51, Udyog Vihar, Kasna Road, Greater Noida, India. This facility manufactured Color Televisions, Washing Machines, Air-Conditioners and Microwave Ovens. †Company is setting up a chain of exclusive premium showrooms. LG plans to launch 60 premium Brand Shoppes by the end of the first quarter of this year. At present, LG has a total of 83 LG stores across the country, of which 45 are shoppes and 38 are exclusive stores. Brand shoppes will be placed in the premium segment and the target audience will comprise buyers interested in premium and high end products. LG Brand Shoppe goes beyond the concept of a normal exclusive store by having a more interactive environment and additional lifestyle orientation on display so that the customer can actually experience the LG products in his or her own home settings. LG Electronics India Ltd (LGEIL), consumer durables leader with 27% market share, is planning a brand new image. To attract inspirational and young consumers across India, company will roll out a new marketing strategy. The exercise will cost the company Rs 360 crore. LG Electronics India is the fastest growing company in the consumer electronics, home appliances, and computer peripherals industry today. LG Electronics is continually providing, superior technology products value for money to more than 50 lakh households in India. LGEIL is celebrating the 11th anniversary this year. LG Soft India the innovation wing of LG Electronics in Bangalore is LG Electronics’ largest R centre outside Korea. We at LGSI focus on niche technology areas such as mobile application development, digital video broadcast and biometrics software and support LG Electronics with our expertise. Motivated by a passion for technology, a strong work culture and loyalty to the organization, we are determined to see LG become one of the top three brands globally. Prominent consumer electronic company, LG Electronics Inc. has said that it expects the sale of its products in India to up by 15 per cent in 2008. Moon Bum Shin, managing director of LG Electronics India has said that the company has earmarked 4. 8 billion rupees for investment purpose in India this year. The said money will be used to market as well as manufacture new products. LG Electronics, which is originally a South Korean Company with branch in India, informed that its sales of GSM mobile phones, color televisions, air conditioners and other household goods in the Indian market was to the tune of 95 billion rupees ($2. 4 billion) in 2007. As per Shin’s estimate, the sales in 2008 would be around 110 billion rupees. In order to achieve its target, Shin said LG Electronics will concentrate on catering to the high-end consumer market which will help boost sales this year. India churns out six (6) per cent of LG Electronics global revenues of $42 billion. The Indian branch of LG exports to 40 countries. India challenges The challenges faced by LG when entered in Indian market 1. Low brand awareness about LG in India. 2. One of the last MNCs entered in India (Samsung, Panasonic entered in 1995 in India). 3. High import duty 4. Compitition from local market players and other MNCs in consumer durable segment. 5. Price sensitiveness of the Indian consumer LGEI over comes these challenges to emerge as innovative marketing strategy:- 1. Launch new technologies in consumer electronic and home appliances. 2. LG was the first brand to enter in cricket in big way a way, by sponsoring the 1999 world cup followed it up in 2003 as well. 3. LG brought in four captains of the Indian cricket team to endorse its products. LG invested more then US$ 8 million on advertising and marketing in this sport. 4. LG has differentiated its product using technology and health benefits. 5. CTV has â€Å"Golden eye technology†Air conditioner has â€Å"Health air system†and microwave ovens have the â€Å"Health wave system†. Local and efficient manufacturing to reduce the cost. To overcome high import duties LG manufactures TV refrigerator in India at manufacturing facility at Noida and Pune. LGEI had already commissioned contract manufacturing at Mohali Kolkata and Bhopal for CTVs. This has helped LGEI to reduce cost. LGEI implementing the â€Å"Digital manufacturing system†(DMS) as the cost cutting innovation this system is follow-up to the six sigma exercise LGEI had initiate earlier. RD potential LG has the research and development facilities in Bangalore and Pune. Both the unit carry out RD department for the domestic as well as the parent company it also dose customize RD for the specific countries to which it export product. Regional channel and wide distribution network 1. LG has adopted the regional distribution channel in India. All the distributers work directly with the company. This has resulted in quicker rotation of the stock and better penetration into B, C, D, class market. 2. LG also follows the stock rotation policy rather then dumping stock on channel partners. 3. Product localization:- 1. Product localization is the key strategy used by the LG 2. LG came out with Hindi and regional language menus on its TVs. 3. Introduced the low-priced â€Å"Cineplus†and â€Å"sampooma†for the rural market. 4. LG was the first brand to introduce gaming in TVs in continuations of its association with cricket LG introduce cricket game in CTVs MAJOR KEY SUCCESS FACTORS Innovative marketing – LG was the first brand to enter cricket in a big way, by sponsoring the 1999 World Cup and followed it up in 2003 as well. 1. Local and efficient manufacturing to reduce cost – To overcome high import duties, LG manufactures PC monitors and refrigerators in India at its manufacturing facility at Noida, Delhi. . Commissioned contract manufacturing at Mohali, Kolkata and Bhopal for CTVs. 3. Product localization – Product localization is a key strategy used by LG. It came out with Hindi and regional language menus on its TV. 4. Regional distribution model – This has resulted in quicker rotation of stocks and better p enetration into the B, C and D class markets. 5. Leveraging India’s IT advantage – LG Electronics has awarded a contract to develop IT solutions to LG Soft India (LGSI). The project involves development and support for ERP, SCM, CRM and IT-enabled services for LG. Strategies adopted by the organization LG follows 10 commandments which are as follows. 1. Foster working environment-5S Environment 2. Fast execution is key to success 3. Transparent and fast communication-open communication 4. Update market -knowledge –Demographics 5. Win –Win relationship with the trade partners 6. Customer is the king 7. Even Billing –Road to ach supplier A 8. Be in touch with the market (70% Market, 30% Office). 9. Plan and Execute annual marketing Calendar-Time to market 10. Display share of 50% -to get 50% consumer share. AIRCONDITIONERS FROM LG |INVERTER |[pic] | | |ART COOL | |Technology that delivers | | |precise cooling or heating power as per your choice. Where art meets intelligence | |It works faster and saves energy while ensuring uniform temperature. |. Fine art is no longer confined to museums. Grace your interiors | | |with the finest in technology and choicest of paintings. Decorate | |[pic] |your rooms with your mood and | | |sense of style | | | | | | |[pic] [pic] | |FLOOR STANDING |MULTI SPLIT | | | | |Air Throw that reaches every corner. Time to move on to cooling two rooms with a single outdoor unit. | |Get the advantage of mobility and the purest of air. | | |Ideal for homes and small offices and most effective in saving power. | | |The powerful motor can give a reach upto 21 ft too. | | | | | | |[pic] |[pic] | |HOT AND COLD AC |SPLIT AC | | | | |Optimum indoor weather management 365 days a year. Presenting the wide | | |range of Star Rated Split | | |Air Conditioner which not only | | |save power but also provide faster cooling, | | | | WINDOW AC [pic] Presenting the wide range of Star Rated Window Air Conditioner which not only save power but also provide faster cooling [pic] COMPANY PROFILE OF VIDEOCON Videocon is an industrial conglomerate with interests all over the world and based in India. The group has 17 manufacturing sites in India and plants in China, Poland, Italy and Mexico. It is also the third largest picture tube manufacturer in the world. Corporate profile The Videocon group has an annual turnover of US$ 4. 1 billion, making it one of the largest consumer electronic and home appliance companies in India. Since 1998, it has expanded its operations globally, especially in the Middle East. Today the group operates through three key sectors: Consumer electronics In India the group sells consumer products like Colour Televisions, Washing Machines, Air Conditioners, Refrigerators, Microwave ovens and many other home appliances, selling them through a Multi-Brand strategy with the largest sales and service network in India. Videocon Group brands include Sansui, Toshiba, Electrolux, Kenstar, Next etc. Colour picture tube glass Videocon is one of the largest CPT Glass manufacturers in the world, operating in Mexico, Italy, Poland and China. Oil and Gas An important asset for the group is its Ravva oil field with one of the lowest operating costs in the world producing 50,000 barrels of oil per day. Acquisition of Thomson SA Videocon through its Wholly Owned Offshore Subsidiary acquired the Color Picture Tube (CPT) businesses from Thomson S. A having manufacturing facilities in Poland, Italy, Mexico and China along with support research and development facilities. Videocon in its pursuit of mission to become a global major in consumer electronics and home appliances with large scale and low cost base for critical components, made its first footprint in acquiring global sized color picture tube manufacturing facilities across the world from Thomson SA. It had already formulated a â€Å"2010 road map†which outlines the group’s strategy of being one among the top five in both branded consumer electronics and contract manufacturing in the world by 2010. Acquisition Rationale The acquisition came at a time when Thomson was facing a fall in demand in developed markets for television with CPTs and was moving more towards Flat-screen and Plasma Television. However, Videocon saw an opportunity in the emerging countries for CPTs and hence pursued with the acquisition. Besides, the acquisition gave Videocon, the access to advanced technology giving the company control over an R facility in Agnani, Italy. The major reasons behind this acquisition were:- Cost cutting Videocon was better positioned to shift the activities to low-cost locations and also it could integrate the operations with the glass panel facility in India with the CPT manufacturing facilities acquired from Thomson S. A Videocon wanted to leverage its position in the existing parts of the business and this acquisition would give it a strong negotiation position and could reduce impact of glass pricing volatility. Videocon could also reduce the costs by upgrading and improving the existing production lines. Vertical Integration The acquisition helped Videocon in vertically integrating its existing glass-shell business where it had been enjoying substantially high margins. Videocon’s glass division had the largest glass shell plant in a single location. This gave the company an unrivalled advantage in terms of economies of scale and a leadership position in the glass shell industry. The acquisition also gave Videocon a ready-market for its glass business and it was part of Videocon’s long-term strategy to have a global vertically-integrated manufacturing facility. Rationalization of Product Profile Videocon modified its product profile to cater to the changing market needs like moving away from very large size picture tubes to smaller ones. [6] Apart from the overall strategy Videocon also had a plan on the technological front. It wanted to improve the setup for the production line and line speed post-merger. Its focus was to increase sales while reducing the costs and thereby improving the productivity of the existing line. The company also wanted to foray in a big way into LCD panels back-end assembly On the sales front the company wanted to leverage on the existing clients of Thomson and build relation as a preferred supplier to maximise sales. Also, Videocon could benefit from OEM CTV business with the help of Videocon’s CTV division, invest for new models and introduction of new technologies. Thomson’s perspective In 2004 Thomson planned entry into the high-growth digital media and technology business. Also, Thomson wanted to exit consumer and electronics businesses as they were incurring significant losses. After sale of its TV business to Chinese group TCL, and Tubes to Videocon, Thomson divested from the audio/video accessories business which was the last unit of its consumer electronics business. The need to divest are quite evident from the losses that it incurred in these businesses particularly that the unit that it sold off to Videocon, the Optical Modules activity, and the Audio/Video Accessories businesses which totalled around â‚ ¬749 million for 2005. Moreover Thomson had done some acquisitions that were in line with boosting their revenues in the following years. Other Competitors for the Acquisition When Videocon entered the race for the colour picture tubes manufacturing capacity of Thomson SA in November 2004, there were 16 other bidders. Videocon stood slim chances given the fact that it had to battle it out with players like LG,Philips, Samsung and Matsushita, Daewoo and several Chinese manufacturers but finally managed to close the deal. The deal catapulted Videocon into the No. 3 slot in the global pecking order for CPTs. An official of Videocon said on the deal †The word is out in the world that India and Indian companies are not just a good bet by themselves, but also a hedge against China. â€Å" Pre-merger negotiations The price that Thomson wanted for the deal was euro 240 million (Rs 1,248 Crore) and Videocon agreed to the same without much negotiations (Under the deal the debt continued to be of Thomson’s). A special purpose vehicle, Eagle Electronics was used to complete the acquisition. As a part of the acquisition, Thomson also agreed to acquire 13.  % stake in Videocon for 1250 Crore in which 10% was locked for the first three years. Thomson SA has divested the 3. 5% stake that was out side the lock-in clause to overseas institutional investors. For the remaining 10% Dhoots retained a right of first refusal(recently this 10% has been sold to the Dhoots). During the process of negotiations Videocon was less affected by the capital cost component. Dhoot believed that Thomson CPT’s losses arising out from high capital cost of its Mexican Plant could be reduced once the television market in India moved to bigger screen sizes and slims .Videocon could import those from its global factories and hence cut on the losses of Thomson. Pre-merger scenario analysis CPT industry is affected by many competitive factors such as change in the consumer preferences ,the product offer strategy of retailers, the progress made by alternative technology manufacturers ,capacity adjustment facility of competitors etc. Based on all of these factors there were two scenarios that emerged from the 2005 budget of Videocon. The first scenario is a conservative one. It mainly assumes Price pressures similar to those in the past(-8 to -12%),capacity reduction over a period of two years, a gradual shift to newer technologies like True Flat and good amount of growth for LCD makers. [pic] The second scenario is a more aggressive one in term of trends predicted. It assumes that the switch to TrueFlat would be faster, more overcapacity, more competition from LCD manufacturers and rising price strategy pressures in general. The second scenario obviously requires an industrial strategy which is more adapted to the environment. However even if the second scenario arises,Videocon believes there is an opportunity in the CRT business. Though it is very obvious that in the developed markets of the western world the demand is shifting towards the flat panel side(FPD it is expected to contribute 70% of TV market in these regions),in the emerging markets like BRIC CRT still holds fort. CRT holds a dominant 70% share in these markets. When translated into number of units the demand is more than 100 million units. As Videocon is primarily based in these countries, it hopes to harness the value of the Thomson acquisition in the coming years. Post merger situation (2010) Videocon has not been able to turn the plant around in Italy still. However it is getting support from the local government(which want to prevent job cuts) in form of grants. The government is in fact trying to set up a Greenfield venture in form of a LCD manufacturing facility in partnership with Videocon. The banks are also supporting Videocon and with help from all these quarters Videocon expects to turn around the plant in Italy. The Thomson plant has not turned around in Mexixo as well and in fact production has been reduced over there. In Poland,the situation is more promising and Videocon hopes that plant over there will get in black in the very near future. However the surprise has been in the Chinese market . Despite of facing a highly competitive market Videocon has managed to turn a plant around while the other is on its way. In China Videocon is adopting a different strategy for manufacturing CTVs as the local players dominate the market . It plans to supply these players by taking advantage of low-cost nature of mainland(the number targeted by it about 6 million CPTs). Role of local government in the acquired units The LCD television segment is one of the fastest in terms of growth rate in Italy. The compounded growth rate is projected to be around 70% in the next few years. Videocon in partnership with the local government is going for a Greenfield venture in this segment. The Italian central government is giving a euro 180 million grant whereas the regional authorities are giving a 40 million grant. Videocon would itself pitch in with about euro 300 million whereas bank loans would provide a further 700 million. In the Thomson plant located in China the local Chinese Government is the minority shareholder. When Videocon acquired Thomson’s CPT business, it also gained control of Thomson’s Mexican plants. However Videocon Industries has a view that it would expand in the country only if the government gives it enough incentives. Videocon is demanding a 25-30% cash benefits from the authorities who are currently ready to give only about 20%. Thomson’s exit from Videocon Thomson is looking to sell out its stake in Videocon (a 10 percent stake via GDRs) and in most likelihood it would be bought by Videocon itself. Thomson would be exiting at a loss as it had acquired the stake at around Rs 400 per share (approximately equal to $10 per share). The deal is expected to happen at current market prices. Videocon’s GDR is currently traded at around $5. 06 on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. On the Bombay stock exchange its trading around Rs 150 against the 52 week high of Rs 868 in Jan 2008. Another point to be noted is that this won’t attract the market regulator’s â€Å"creeping acquisition†norm which comes into force once they acquire more than 5% stake,as the deal would be an overseas one. Possible purchase of General Electric’s Appliance division On May 23, 2008, Videocon announced that it is studying an invitation from General Electric (GE) to bid for its century-old appliances division, which it has put up for sale. [pic] PRODUCTS OF VIDEOCON | |[pic] | | |[pic] | | |[pic] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |[pic] | | |[pic] | | |[pic] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [pic] [pic] | | | | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | | | | | | |[pic] | | | | | |[pic] | | | |Split AC | | | |[pic] |VS 2C-5233I / | | |VS C-7033B | | |INTEGRA | | |1. 5/2. TON | | |2 Star Power Saving | | |Ioniser | | |Turbo Speed | | |Sleep Mode | | |On/Off Timer | | |Self Diagnosis | | |Hydrophilic Coating – Evaporator | | |LCD Remote | | |4 Way Air Circulation | | |Buy now get Exciting Offers. pic] Request To Quote | | | | | | |[pic] | | | |[pic] |VS 3C-2644/ VS 3C-3544 | | |INTEGRA | | |0. 8/1. TON | | |3 Star Power Saving | | |Deodorising Filter | | |Turbo Speed | | |Sleep Mode | | |On/Off Timer | | |Self Diagnosis | | |Hydrophilic Coating – Evaporator Condenser | | |Auto Restart | | |4 Way Air Circulation | | |Buy now get Exciting Offers. [pic] Request To Quote | | | | | |[pic] | | | |[pic] |VS 3R-3544/ VS R-5233 | | |GRACE | | |1. 0/1. TON | | |3 Star Power Saving | | |Catechin Filter | | |Sleep Mode | | |On/Off Timer | | |Self Diagnosis | | |Hydrophilic Coating – Evaporator | | |6 Step Air Swing | | |LCD Remote | | | | | |Buy now get Exciting Offers. pic] Request To Quote | | | | | | |[pic] | | | |[pic] |VS G-5222/ VS G-7033 | | |GRACE | | |1. 5/2. TON | | |20 Micron Anti-Bacterial Filter | | |Sleep Mode | | |On/Off Timer | | |Auto Restart | | |Anti Freeze Sensor | | |LCD Remote | | | | | | | | |Buy now get Exciting Offers. pic] Request To Quote | | | | | | |[pic] | | | |[pic] |VS T-2644/ VS T-3544 | | |SPLENDOUR | | |0. 8/1. 0/1. 5/1. 6 TON | | |20 Micron Anti-Bacterial Filter | |Turbo Speed | | |Sleep Mode | | |Self Diagnosis | | |Hydrophilic Coating – Condenser | | |Hydrophilic Coating – Evaporator | | |LCD Remote | | | | | |Buy now get Exciting Offers. pic] Request To Quote | | | | | | |[pic] | | | |[pic] |VS T-5233M | | |VISTA | | |1. TON | | |20 Micron Anti-Bacterial Filter | | |Turbo Speed | | |Sleep Mode | | |Self Diagnosis | | |Hydrophilic Coating – Evaporator | | |6 Step Air Swing | | |LCD Remote | | | | | | |Window AC | | | |[pic] |VW 1R-5244 | | |INTEGRA | | |1. TON | | |1 Star Power Saving | | |20 Micron Anti-Bacterial Filter | | |Turbo Speed | | |Sleep Mode | | |Real Time Clock in the Remote | | |LCD Remote | | |Hydrophilic Coating – Evaporator | | |On/Off Timer | | |Buy now get Exciting Offers. [pic] Request To Quote | | | | | | | | | |[pic] |VW S-5223/ VW S-5222B | | |SPLENDOUR | | |1. 5 TON | | |20 Micron Anti-Bacterial Filter | | |24 Hrs. On/Off Timer | | |Sleep Mode | | |Auto Restart | | |Full Functional Remote(LCD Optional) | | |Fan Speed (Turbo/Quite) | | |Soft Touch Digital Panel | | |Auto Air Swing | | |2Ãâ€"3/2X2 Row Coil with 9. 5 c. u. mm Tube | | |Buy now get Exciting Offers. pic] Request To Quote | | | | | | | | | | |[pic] |VW M-2644 | | |VISTA | | |0. TON | | |20 Micron Anti-Bacterial Filter | | |Sleep Mode | | |On/Off Timer | | |LCD Remote | | |Soft Touch Digital Panel | | |3 Min. Time Delay | | |Auto Restart | | |Buy now get Exciting Offers. pic] Request To Quote | | | | | | |[pic] | | | |[pic] |VW F-2622/ VW F-3522 | | |VISTA | | |0. 8/1. 0/1. 6/2. 0 TON | | |20 Micron Anti-Bacterial Filter | | |Ioniser (VW F-5233I) | | |Sleep Mode | |LCD Remote(Optional) | | |On/Off Timer Auto Restart | | |Soft Touch Digital Panel (VW F-2622/VW F-3522/VW F-7034) | | |Anti Freeze Sensor (VW F-5233I/VW F-7034) | | |Auto Air Swing (VW F-2622/VW F-3522) | | |Other Available Models VW F-5233I/ VW F-7 034 | | |Buy now get Exciting Offers. pic] Request To Quote | | | | | | | | | | |[pic] |VW H-5222B | | |GRACE | | |1. TON | | |20 Micron Anti-Bacterial Filter | | |On/Off Timer | | |Sleep Mode | | |LCD Remote | | |Self Diagnosis | | |Hydrophilic Coating – Evaporator | | |Anti Freeze Sensor | RESEARCH METHODOLGY Meaning of Research- Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. Research can also be defined as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. In fact, research is an art of scientific investigation. According to Redman Mory research is a â€Å"systematized effort to gain new knowledge. †Objectives of research: †¢ To gain familiarity with the phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it. †¢ * To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual, situation or a group. †¢ To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is associated with something else. To test a hypothesis of a casual relationship between variables. Type of Research: †¢ Descriptive Research It includes surveys and fact-finding enquiries of different kinds. The major purpose of descriptive research is description of the state of affairs as it exists at present. The main characteristic of this method is that the researcher has no control over th How to cite Study of Lg, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Artificial Intelligence in Facebook for Psychology- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theArtificial Intelligence in Facebook for Cognitive Psychology. Answer: AI is the short form of Artificial intelligence. It is a process of giving the machine mostly computers the ability to almost reason like a human being (Cohen and Feigenbaum, 2014. 00). It is done through the use of codes in programming. One of the major languages known in this field is the Python programming language. AI has brought major boosts in the IT industry in the current world. There are very many applications using AI that are used on the websites and other social media Companies like Facebook. It uses human reasoning to respond to question which a person cant even notice. AI has simplified a lot of things, and it is a great deal in the software development field. AI can be used in all fields, medicine, agriculture, technology and construction (Hutter et al. 2014. 80). The content, however, deals with AI being in the technology field most important in Facebook. Facebook is a multibillionaire company that has helped people in terms of communication and business. People all over the world can send messages to each other, and it takes seconds to send and receive. People have seen such a platform as an opportunity to improve their business in terms of marketing strategies. They are using it to sell and resell products and services. Some have earned a fortune from such a Company which has free registration. AI being introduced in such a Company can really help improve services to its customers and go on being the best social media platform in the World. There are various ways and fields in which AI can be implemented in Facebook. In such a platform, there is the need to have a support area where customers with needs can get their feedback within seconds. If there is something that people hate is a delay. An AI application are integrated into the platform, which will be replying messages and calls from the customers and give the immediate feedback. Thats is one of the major applications of the AI which can really boost such a company. In Facebook today, people log in through email, usernames and passwords. These methods are somehow not secure. The data in a persons account should be protected because even the law states so. People can guess other peoples emails and passwords, get into peoples profile and take or see whatever they want. There is the AI application which is a face or eye recognition can be reinforced together with the speech recognition. The AIs working together with the logins can make the platform more secure. There is an AI applications which is used to detect fraud. The information in the Facebook database for every user is important. Through the use of AI, if the application detects a login from a different locations, or any other suspicious thing, it can send an email or text to the original and known user to inform him/her. In case it was not the user doing such an action, there is a link to follow to increase the security of the account. When Artificial Intelligence is introduced and implemented in a Company like Facebook, there a lot of merits that can associate with such technology (Nilsson, 2014. 00). People using Facebook platform will always be served at a very fast rate without delay. AI are even faster compared to human beings, and still, they are developed using human reasoning. One AI applications can serve a great multitude of customers which is not the case to one support agent. Speed matters in social media platform. The platform will be user-friendly. One of the reasons why softwares and applications fail is that of user unfriendliness. If the platform if friendly, then the number of users increases. One of the important impacts of AI is security. All AI applications are highly secured. People need assurance that the accounts and data can never be available to another person at any given time. The speech recognition and the rest can make the Facebook platforms more secure compared to the use of passwords . There are a lot of advantages that come with AI application in such a Company (Russell and Norvig. 2016, 00). One, the number of customers served by the applications at a single time cannot be possible if one is using a support team. Their users will love the responses and time, and then more users will love the platform increasing the number of users which increases the profit margins. Facebook management will also not incur the cost of hiring thousands of employees to work as support teams hence reducing expenses. Facebook main problem is data security. Thats why people use their platform since they are assured their information is secured. AI helps in boosting the security level (Bond and Gasser, 2014. 00) There must be a demerit in everything since nothing is perfect. The applications can lead to unemployment, and sometimes they fail due to functionality error (Spiro, Bruce and Brewer. 2017, 00). In conclusion, AI in Facebook can act as a major boost for its growth. The Facebook platform can be secure and fast in service delivery. Unemployment can be a problem to the general public but an advantage to the management. References Bond, A.H. and Gasser, L. eds., 2014.Readings in distributed artificial intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann. Cohen, P.R. and Feigenbaum, E.A. eds., 2014.The handbook of artificial intelligence(Vol. 3). Butterworth-Heinemann. Hutter, F., Xu, L., Hoos, H.H. and Leyton-Brown, K., 2014. Algorithm runtime prediction: Methods evaluation.Artificial Intelligence,206, pp.79-111. Nilsson, N.J., 2014.Principles of artificial intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann. Russell, S.J. and Norvig, P., 2016.Artificial intelligence: a modern approach. Malaysia; Pearson Education Limited,. Spiro, R.J., Bruce, B.C. and Brewer, W.F. eds., 2017.Theoretical issues in reading comprehension: Perspectives from cognitive psychology, linguistics, artificial intelligence and education(Vol. 11). Routledge.
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