Thursday, October 31, 2019
Research paper on any controversy of an book author
On any controversy of an book author - Research Paper Example His works was dismissed by feminists, who believed that Hemingway’s tone was quite condescending and associated extremely foul traits with women. His hatred for women is understandable as throughout his life, he never had a stable relationship with the opposite sex that in turn led him to create some extremely controversial stories about women and the dynamics of marriage. When Hemingway was conscripted in the American army during the World War I, he fell in love with a nurse when he was admitted into a hospital after sustaining some heavy injuries on the battlefield. The said nurse’s name was Agnes and Hemingway was clearly infatuated with her. The two shared a short-lived romance and even made plans of marriage but Hemingway was left heartbroken when Agnes deemed her Italian fiance a better match for her than Hemingway. However, this was just the tip of the ice berg. Hemmingway’s misogynistic attitude roots back to his childhood and the conflict between him and his mother caused him to hold several grudges against women and these thoughts were often projected on to the male protagonists of his stories. Hemingway has said to have shown great hatred towards his mother on several occasions, who was an opera singer by profession. It is a documented fact that Hemingway referred to his mother as ‘That bitch’, he was weary of her mother’s domineering nature and despised her immensely for it. He believed that her mother not only emasculated his father, but also tried to emasculate him by not adhering to the gender roles and further inciting incestuous conflicts between his sister, Marceline and him (Jung, 2010). His childhood can be described as being quite turbulent for it was filled with her parents bickering and his mother eventually overpowering his father. He believed that his father’s masculinity was suppressed by his mother’s over-demanding nature and from then on Hemingway not only frowned upon marriage b ut began to believe that women were the biggest source of conflicts in a man’s life. He held them responsible for triggering identity problems in men and it can be rightly assumed that Hemingway too began questioning his identity because of his mother and sister. His tumultuous relationship with his mother was ostensible after some the letters that he exchanged with his mother became public and he openly passed derogatory remarks about her. Of course, every controversy has a story behind it and so travelling back into Hemingway’s childhood, one can easily see how the controversy was spurred into action. Back in the 19th century it was common for families to dress their males in feminine clothing. Therefore, so like every other young boy living in the late 19th century Hemingway was dressed in feminine clothes since birth. It was the set norm, but later on his mother, Grace, took it a step further and began dressing Hemingway and his sister, up in similar dresses, shoes , and even gave them the same hairstyles. She became intensely obsessive over making the two siblings look like twins. She went through great measures into keeping her fantasy alive. For example she made them sleep on the same bed; they were given the same toys, and such. Grace coupled the two up so much just so she could be happy in her fantasy world; she played with her children like dolls and often treated them heartlessly. The woman eventually cultivated
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
What are your top 5 strengths Describe the results from this exercise Essay
What are your top 5 strengths Describe the results from this exercise. Was this exercise beneficial to you Why, or why not Remember to cite any sources used, including the textbook - Essay Example In the world, there is no law of fairness. Considering self control, this is the ability to do things without force from other parties (Nancy, 2010, p.23). The ability to have self control comes when one has the freedom to make choices thus, the right decision, lies with the person. In the exercise, the level of self control was high because I did not need anyone so as to do the right thing. Integrity, this the personal aspect where a personal has honesty in the things that one does. In the exercise, the level of integrity was rather wanting because honesty is a self driven aspect that only the individual can put to themselves. Considering humor, this is the ability to enjoy the fun from another person, where the person likes what the other person is trying to point out. In the exercise, the level of humor was high (Nancy, 2010, p. 34). The exercise was of no benefit because there was little emphasize on the strengths that an individual has. The exercise was not elaborate thus the strengths remain the same after the exercise. The exercise would be successful if there were activities to increase the strengths in a person in consideration (Nancy, 2010,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Liberation tigers of tamil eelam
Liberation tigers of tamil eelam The opposition group, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) recruited and used child soldiers throughout the 25-year armed conflict with Sri Lankan government forces. The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) was accused of recruiting and using the child soldiers as front-line troops. The recruiters of children under the age of 18 are mainly rebels of LTTE and the Karuna group, a break-away faction of LTTE working with Sri Lanka Forces. Forced recruitment of children under 18 escalated in the final months of hostilities during the conflict in 2008. (2009) noted that children were used to perform a range of duties such as digging bunkers at the front line and to collect weapons from killed cadres and Sri Lankan Army (SLA) soldiers. Children were also among the tens of thousands of civilians forced to flee fighting since mid-2008 and were sent to military-run Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps deprived of liberty and freedom in the north of the country. In the east of the country, even in IDP camps, children were still at risk of recruitment and abduction. (2009) stated that LTTE obtained lists of IDPs from a village officer and they used it to identify families with children for recruitment. Families attempted to conceal the children for the fear of their children being recruited as child soldiers but the LTTE cadres would return at night to search the houses for children. In the past, some families paid off the LTTE to protect their children against recruitment but LTTE no longer provided this option in the last months of conflicts. In March 2009, LTTE was said to have introduced a quota system whereby teams of six cadres needed to return with 30 conscripts or they will be subjected to severe punishment. Recruited children received minimal training as they were used as front-line troops to protect the senior leadership and because of that many children have been among the casualties during fighting. According to Tamil Centre for Human Rights (2006), the Sri Lanka government is responsible for the grave and systematic violations against the children as they sought to cover it up with misinformation and propaganda. They also benefited from the collusion of the unwitting international community, the people concerned about issues regarding child rights, which supported the government with neutrality since 1983. It was found that under aged soldiers were recruited with the help of bogus birth certificates that were manipulated by the government, showing them as over 18 years old. When the Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflicts (OP/AC) was being drawn up, Sri Lankan government tried to reduce the recruiting age to 16 for states as there were more than 100,000 army deserters. Furthermore, recruits aged 18 and above did not come forward, forcing the government to recruit under aged children. The International human rights law protecting childrens rights had been selectively used by the government thus suppressing the people rather than protecting the rights of the children. The optional protocol was never tested for any child soldiers to find their real age, thus not helping and preventing the children from being recruited. Tamil Centre for Human Rights (2006) noted that even with the support of the international community, the Sri Lankan government could not suppress the Tamil resistance movement that garnered the support of the people. Therefore the government started raising the child soldier issue, with small groups which did not have popular support and with the so-called human rights organisations, with the intention of discrediting the resistance movement. After the ceasefire agreement between the Government of the Democratic Socialist Repuclic of Sri Lanka and LTTE in 2002, there was a significant decrease in recruitment of child soldiers. United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) was working with LTTE to develop an action plan to reintegrate the children, providing them with assistance to school. They also agreed to monitor and prevent child recruitment in the future. Under international pressure, the LTTE announced that it would stop conscripting child soldier in the 2003, but the UNICEF and Human Rights watch (HRW) have accused it of going against its promises, conscripting Tamil children orphaned by the tsunami. UNICEF claimed that LTTE recruited at least 40 children orphaned by the Tsunami. However, from the start of 2007 LTTE agreed to release all of the recruits under the age of 18. Up to 25% of the children have either one or both parents dead or displaced due to war. Victims of war in Northeast region were sent to â€Å"welfare centres†and around 175 000 Tamils were at the centres in 2000. 50% of the victims were children. A survey held in 2000 revealed that they were deeply traumatised. The suicide rate in these centres is threefold of the national average, hitting 103%. (Refer to Fig. 1) It has been proven by a survey done by The Butterfly Peace Garden in 2000 that children in Sri Lanka are exposed to too much war contents. (Refer to Fig. 2) Besides that, study has shown that 95% of the children attending The Butterfly Peace Garden suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). For 92% of these children, the cause of PTSD is due to the conflict within Sri Lanka.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Personal Justice and Homicide in Scott’s Ivanhoe: :: Scott Ivanhoe Psychology papers
Personal Justice and Homicide in Scott’s Ivanhoe Abstract: Scott’s Ivanhoe reveals a conflict between our innate concept of justice as personal justice and the impersonal justice which is imposed on us by the modern nation-state. This conflict causes the split between the proper hero, who affirms the order of impersonal justice, and the dark hero, who acts according to personal justice, in Scott’s work. In Evolution and Literary Theory, Joseph Carroll provides a paradigm for the integration of literary criticism with evolutionary psychology. First, he argues that literary critics should learn to understand and respect the evidence for the basic contention of evolutionary psychology, namely, that the human mind is not a blank slate which receives all of its content from an external culture, but that human cognition and the culture that is based on it are highly constrained by innate psychological mechanisms, which evolved in the environment in which humans spent most of their evolutionary history, the hunting-gathering bands of Pleistocene Africa. Humans evolved a rich array of specialized mental mechanisms for dealing with this environment, including mechanisms for determining mate value (see Buss), for protecting kin (see Daly and Wilson, 17-121), for social exchange (see Cosmides and Tooby 1992) and many others. These psychological mechanisms collectively form the human nature which underlies the production and consumption of literary texts. However, the scope of an evolutionarily informed literary analysis is not limited to simply finding these human universals in literary texts. Rather, many of these psychological mechanisms are â€Å"open programs†which permit of a wide range of cultural and individual variation (Carroll 152). Carroll identifies the three levels at which a literary criticism informed by evolutionary psychology should work: human nature, cultural order, and individual identity (150). While human nature constrains all cultural productions, â€Å"cultural forms are themselves the product of a complex interaction among various innate dispositions and between innate dispositions and variable environmental conditions†(152). Evolutionary psychology enables us to understand not only literary universals, but also the complex and often conflicting relationship between human nature, culture, and the individual. In their book Homicide, evolutionary psychologists Margo Wilson and Martin Daly identify one such conflict between human nature and the contemporary cultural order. They argue that humans have an innate concept of justice which is based on the idea of personal revenge. According to this concept of justice, it is legitimate and even praise-worthy for people to whom a wrong has been done to avenge the wrong-doing themselves.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Ball and Chain: Why The NCAA
Be The term, â€Å"student athlete†is a polarizing one. In todays America, college sports particularly football and basketball, are as much a part of the sports enthusiast's landscape as is any professional sport. In any case, with enthusiasm comes money. In this case, billions of dollars are generated by television viewership, merchandise sales and university boosters. College athletes are the driving force behind an industry where television executives, university presidents, athletic directors and coaches are compensated in a manner which makes them among the most wealthy eople in the world.The athletes receive in return an education from a well respected university, along with name and sometimes facial recognition in their fields of interest. However, the student on a physics scholarship receives the same opportunity for education and name recognition in his field that the athlete does. The difference is, the physics student isn't selling millions of dollars worth of Jers eys. The physics student is also allowed to pursue compensation for applying his craft as he sees fit while enrolled at the university while the athlete is not allowed to work or ven accept perks brought about by his celebrity.The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) serves as the oppressive monopoly which seeks to capitalize on the dreams of young athletes by requiring their servitude, likeness and name in exchange for the slimmest of opportunities to attract employment in their field of interest. Like any other oppressor or monopoly that came before it, the NCAA should be abolished and replaced with a model that is mindful of equality, as well as human and civil rights.The NCAA has blocked every road that an athlete may have to apitalize on his hard work during his time at his respective university. Only recently has the legality of such roadblocks been challenged. Due to its litany of regulations designed to stifle player movement or compensation, many, such as Pulitze r prize winning author and historian Taylor Branch, have argued that the current structure of the NCAA rivals that of a slave plantation or drug cartel.Branch scoffs at the correlation between the terms â€Å"student athlete†and â€Å"amateur,†stating in an article in The Atlantic, â€Å"No legal definition of amateur exists, and any attempt to create one in nforceable law would expose its repulsive and unconstitutional nature a bill of attainder, stripping from college athletes the rights of American citizenship. †(Branch 2). At the heart of that argument is the question, what constitutes an employee? Blacks Law dictionary defines â€Å"employee†as â€Å"a person in the service of another under any contract of hire, expressed or implied, oral or written, where the employer has the power or right to control or direct the employee in the material details of how the work is to be performed†(Muhl 2). An athletic scholarship is clear example of a ritten contract which both overtly and implicitly stipulates that the school is willing to exchange an education for the athlete's services on the school's sports team.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Knife Crime Essay Essay
Hi. Today i am going to be talking to you about knife crime and how it affects our society. Lately in the news Jay Whiston a 17 year old boy was fatally stabbed innocently outside a house party. Such a waste of a life for a young boy that had his whole future ahead of him. Knife crime has increased over the past couple of years due to the amount of gang violence going on. While the large majority of young people follow the law a small number of people do find themselves getting involved in knife crime. The few reasons that teenagers may get involved with knife crime are because of family problems, at school where they are influenced by someone who is involved in gangs. Some teenagers just want to fit in, so they join gangs and hang around with trouble makers, and some teenagers think that by killing someone and having a knife gives them power. However carrying a knife is illegal in the UK and the courts will take firm action if you are found with one. Some people may say they carry a knife around for different reasons such as: Protection * Self defence * Fear * Peer pressure * To gain respect , power or control As you may know not all people who carry weapons intend to use them. But if you are carrying a weapon and get into an argument, the situation is more likely to get out of hand and you are more likely to be provoked/stupid enough to use it. You could seriously injure someone or someone could use your weapon to seriously injure you. Police have the power to stop you and search you if they believe that you are carrying a weapon. So this is your choice whether you plan to use it or not, you could end up in a lot of trouble and the consequences would be serious. Knife crime can affect anyone, not just people in gangs. This could affect: * Innocent people that get caught in the middle of other people’s rows/arguments and could suffer with serious injuries or worse. * Police officers that could be trying to sort a situation out. * The community because they wouldn’t want to leave their houses knowing that there is knife crime going on and they could get stabbed. * Children that are growing up, as they may be influenced by older people and may think it is cool. Remember that an injury may look small, but any inside damage can kill. The law is it is illegal for a shop to sell any kind of knife to anyone who is under 18. You will be committing an offence if you buy any of these items. Did you know that owning a knife even if it is yours or not is illegal and can end in a prison sentence? Some knives are illegal even for adults to buy. They are completely banned: * Flick knives(where the blade is hidden inside the handle and shoots out when a button is pressed) * Butterfly knives (where the blade is hidden inside a handle that splits in two around it, like wings; the handles swing around the blade to open or close it) * Disguised knives (where the blade is hidden inside a belt buckle or fake mobile phone) * gravity knives * sword-sticks * hand or foot-claws * push daggers Carrying a weapon in school does not mean that the school is only involved; the police will also be involved. These are some of the consequences for anyone who is found carrying a knife: †¢It is illegal to carry a knife or a gun, even a fake one. †¢If you are caught with a knife or a gun whether you say it was for your own protection or you were carrying it for someone else, you will be arrested there and then. †¢Control of a knife can carry a prison sentence of up to 4 years even if it’s not used. †¢If you stab somebody and they die, you will face a life sentence and you will be in prison for minimum prison sentence of 25 years. Remember that the law is clear. If you choose to carry a weapon, you are putting your future in danger. If you don’t take it with you, it won’t be used.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Introduction to Demand in Economics
Introduction to Demand in Economics In general, to demand means to ask for urgently. That said, the concept of demand takes on a very particular, and somewhat different, meaning in economics. Economically speaking, to demand something means to be willing, able and ready to purchase a good or service. Lets examine each of these requirements in turn: Willing to purchase- Being willing to purchase simply means that one likes an item enough to want to buy it, and this is usually what people think of when they encounter the concept of demand. However, its important to remember that, while its good to want things, desire to purchase is not the only requirement for economic demand.Able to purchase- Wanting to purchase an item doesnt mean a whole lot if one doesnt have the means to make the transaction happen. Therefore, the ability to purchase is another important factor in demand. Economists dont specify how an individual must be able to pay for an item- he can pay with cash, check, credit card, money borrowed from friends or taken from the piggy bank, etc.Ready to purchase- Demand is, by its nature, a current quantity, so an individual is only said to demand something if he is willing and able to purchase it now as opposed to some point in the future. Putting these three requirements together, it is reasonable to think of demand as answering the question If a seller were to show up right now with a whole truckload of the item in question, how much would an individual purchase? Demand is a pretty straightforward concept, but there are a few other things to keep in mind. Individual vs. Market Demand Not surprisingly, demand for any given item varies from person to person. Nonetheless, market demand can be constructed by adding together the individual demands of all of the buyers in a market. Implicit Time Units It doesn’t really make sense to describe demand without time units. For example, if someone asked â€Å"how many ice cream cones do you demand?†you would need more information in order to answer the question. Does demand mean demand today? This week? This year? All of these time units are going to result in different quantities demanded, so it’s important to specify which one you are talking about. Unfortunately, economists are often somewhat lax about mentioning the time units explicitly, but you should remember that they are always there.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Music industry as a cultural industry
Music industry as a cultural industry Introduction The music industry normally deals with production and selling of pieces of music. It encompasses artistes, the firms and experts who produce and sell the recorded music. There are also concert promoters and agents, entertainment legal representatives, musical device producers, among others.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Music industry as a cultural industry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The term cultural industry refers to a range of establishments that generate, deal out and trade in merchandise that downrightly fall under imaginative arts. Examples of such merchandise include music, films and publications, among others. A cultural industry is normally a broad grouping of a given form of production. For instance, a music store selling records and albums provides work for salespeople, administrators and customers. The trade of these products relies on other cultural industry dealings. Musicians hav e to carry out their recordings, distributors need to vend the music and recording studios have to do their part. Firms tasked with production of all needed equipment like tapes and compact discs, among others are also counted in this industry. Music industry as a cultural industry Cultural creations are usually holders of distinctiveness, standards and significance and aspects of economic and societal improvement. The preservation and back up of cultural multiplicity directs to the promotion of the development of cultural industries that have the capability to cause an impact on a local and international scale. Cultural entities, as mentioned earlier, create and deal out cultural commodities or services which at any instance are deemed as a definite quality, exemplify and put across cultural expressions, just like music and its other related compositions. The music industry is already one of the most vibrant fields of the global economy and trade and is bound to grow even more with time, providing new business sides especially to the developing economies of the world. Any form of music that is produced in any given setting normally mirrors that society’s way of life and practices, which is basically their culture and ways of life. This music also serves to form that society by way of the practices of homogeneity and commoditization, coming up with commodities rather than subjects.Advertising Looking for report on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The cultural industry’s aim is to meet the populace’s entertainment requirements just like the music industry. Normalized creations were initially obtained from the requirements of the end users and this is the reason as to why they usually encounter little or no resistance at all. In the real sense, a sequence of operation and retroactive requirement is fusing the music industry ever more firmly. Through the normali zing of these requirements, the industry is influencing its products’ consumers to yearn for them even more. The end result is that mass production supplies a mass marketplace that diminishes the distinctiveness and likes of the particular end users who are as exchangeable as the commodities and services they require. The underlying principle of the premise is to enhance the liberation of the targeted end user from the oppression of the producers through the induction of the consumer to query given ideas, much in the same way as normal culture or the cultural industry. This form of clarification is intended to bring out pluralism. Anything that is made up by an individual is a manifestation of their efforts and an implication of their objectives. There is also a utilization value, which is normally obtained from the use. This is the case for both musical products and the general human cultures and ways of life. The trade worth for music usually is a reflection of its use and the state of the marketplace in question. The cultural industry blends the ancient and the recognizable in today’s world to come up with fresh and innovative creations. The same is the case with the music industry. In almost all the sectors involved, commodities that are meant for the use by masses and which themselves are responsible for their acceptance are normally produced to a large extent in accordance to a plan. The sectors by themselves have similarities in their framework and mostly bond into each other, resulting in an almost complete set up. This is as a result of modern-day technological abilities and cost-effective and organizational absorption. The cultural industry deliberately assimilates its subjects from the top. It compels the specialties of high and low abilities that are set apart for thousands if not millions of years, the same way as the music industry. The importance of high art is devastated by assumption concerning its effectiveness, the importance o f the lower passes away with the progressive limits inflicted on the defiant confrontation intrinsic within it as much as societal control is not present in entirety.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Music industry as a cultural industry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The masses are normally a thing of maneuver, an accessory of the whole process for both the cultural and music industries. The targeted end user is not actually the king; he or she is actually the object. This is despite the fact that the culture industry indisputably hypothesizes on the cognizant and incognizant state of the millions in the direction of which it is sent. Music normally spreads through the mass media like radios and television sets. The term mass-media that was in particular set up for the cultural industry and serves to imply an undamaging ground or venture. The cultural industry uses wrongly its concern for the populace in a bid to replicate, buttress and build up their frame of mind, which it believes is certain and unalterable. The way through which frame of mind might be transformed is left out all through. Just like in music, the targeted populace is not the gauge but the operation principles of the culture industry, nevertheless, both these industries can barely be in place minus being accustomed to the targeted masses. The cultural goods and services of both the music and cultural industries are ruled by the standard of their recognition as worth, and not by their being in possession of explicit substance and harmonious set up. The whole application of the cultural industry with the gain motivation is the same for the music industry. From the time when these industries first started to eke a living for their originators, there has never been looking back. In those times, gains were sought indirectly unlike later times and presently when the profit drive is not hidden in any way. The independence of work of art like music was then corrupted by a combination of aspects and was normalized by the culture industry, the deliberate input of those in control notwithstanding. This was actually in a bid to land fresh opportunities for earning foreign exchange for various nations, but the major focus was in the first world nations at the time. The opportunities that these people had gotten accustomed to turned out to be more and more unstable as a consequence of the same application procedure which by it meant the culture industry was to continue with its all-pervading principle.Advertising Looking for report on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Just like music, culture in the real sense did not just contain itself to people but it at all times concurrently made an objection in opposition to the frightened associations under which they operated, and thus lived by them. Cultural bodies characteristic of this industry are not commodities any more, they are goods and services entirely. This budge definitely calls for completely new experiences. In the end, the cultural industry does not need to straightly be after the gains from which it arose. All the mentioned curiosities have ended up being externalized in their ideologies and have made themselves free of the persuasion to sell the cultural commodities which must be consumed up in the end anyway, for both these industries. These industries turn into public relations in utter disregard for specific entities or saleable commodities. Brought to the fore in this is a broad serious compromise, adverts made up for humanity, such that in the end each commodity of the industries tu rns into its own classified commercial. Nonetheless, all those qualities which initially stamped the alteration of literature into a product are upheld in this course. Both the music and cultural industries have their metaphysics, a set up of firmly conventional fundamental categories which can be brought together. What stands up as progress in both these industries as the relentlessly new which it provides is usually the disguise for an everlasting similarity; universally the alterations conceal a frame which has varied just a bit as the profit push factor itself from the initial instances. This means that the term industry is not to be taken for its literal meaning. It best refers to the normalization of the thing itself and not entirely to the production process. The aforementioned case prevails even in music, which is a core segment of the culture of any community or society, and the production course is similar to the technical forms of action in the broad division of labor and use of all machinery and other equipment involved. Just like the cultural industry, the music industry is majorly in place for the service of third persons, upholding its attraction to the diminishing distribution progression of funds, to the business from which it came into existence. Its main principle is about the use of the star method whose main operation principle is that the more inhuman its ways of maneuver and substance then the more meticulously and effectively the industry develops apparently great individuals and operates like a well-oiled machine. The cultural industry is industrial more in a sociological aspect in the integration of industrial forms of association even though nothing is physically produced. The idea of technique in the cultural industry is similar with technique in music production. The idea behind all these is mainly the internal organization of the object or commodity itself. Both these industries locate ideological back up accurately in so far as t hey effectively protect themselves from the full impending of the techniques embodied in their outcomes. They operate in a parasitic manner, from the practice of the substance production of commodities, with no regard for the requirement to the inner inventive whole entailed by its practicality. Both the music industry and cultural industry share the idea of aura, the being there of that which actually is absent. The culture industry does not counter poise another standard to that of aura, but somewhat by the reality that it preserves the festering aura. The same is the case with the music industry and by these means they bring to the fore their own ideological misuses. Conclusion It has in recent times become normal among cultural and musical top of the ladder persons as well as sociologists to caution against downplaying their specific industries at the same time emphasizing the great significance of these fields to humanity. As matter of fact, these industries are vital and whoev er ignores them would be really naà ¯ve. However, there is a misleading gleam concerning the caution to take them seriously. Due to the fact that these industries are majorly social, inquisitive queries about quality, about truths or falsehoods and about the aesthetics of the products from these fields, are usually suppressed. People raising these queries are pointed the finger at of seeking refuge in egotistical mystery. It would be wiser to initially point to the twofold implication of significance that slowly finds it way in without being seen. As much as it touches the lives of many individuals the purpose of something is not an assurance of its particular quality. The bringing together of aesthetics with enduring communicative elements should lead art work like music and general culture to the right place in disagreement with artistic snobbery. The significance of the music and cultural industries in the divine formation of the masses should be no exemption for suggestion on t heir legitimating, their crucial being and least of all by a discipline which perceives it to be practical.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
4 Components to an Award-Winning Resume
4 Components to an Award-Winning Resume Last Monday, Career Directors International (CDI) announced the winners of their 17th annual Toast of the Resume Industry (TORI) award competition. TORI award winners are truly outstanding writers. I am very proud and excited that two members of The Essay Expert’s resume writing team won two awards each! Following the awards announcement, TORI judge Gillian Kelly wrote an article on What the Best Resume Writers Are Doing in 2016. The actual resumes will not be released until next month. In the meantime, Ms. Kelly’s observations serve as valuable advice for resume writers, as well as for job seekers writing their own resumes in 2016-2017. Here are the four main areas where the TORI-award-winning resumes stood out: 1. Storytelling Top-level resumes don’t rattle off boring job duties in long blocky paragraphs. While job duties might be covered in a winning resume, they are connected with a story or accomplishment. Great resumes don’t stop at results. They also explain how that result was achieved, what transformation was necessary to achieve it, and what was unique about the solution. These succinct narratives keep the reader engaged and illustrate the job seeker’s unique brand. Here’s an example from an Essay Expert resume that illustrates story-telling. The following paragraph is the opening paragraph to a position description – a paragraph that often is relegated to a list of job duties: Led largest dollar volume division in country to record sales volume, managing four General Sales Managers and 43 Sales Representatives. Transformed division’s approach to competitive data and market analysis while monitoring lot mix, phasing, new starts, lot premiums, specifications, and promotions. Notice how job duties and scope are covered in this paragraph, but they are made more engaging by wrapping in results and transformative results. 2. Visuals TORI award winners used graphics and other images in their resumes, avoiding the text-heavy look and feel of more traditional resumes. Tools like color, infographics, and text boxes served to accentuate the content of the resume. It’s important to note that if you choose to represent an accomplishment using a graph, you must also write about that accomplishment in a bullet. There are two reasons for this duplicative effort: 1) Since not everyone is visually oriented, they might not even look at the details of the image to understand what it represents, and 2) If the resume gets submitted through an Applicant Tracking System, the data in the graph or image will be lost. Here are just a few examples of graphics used in executive resumes by The Essay Expert: Tools used to create these graphics include basic text boxes, borders, SmartArt, and Excel. You can see how they add pop and interest to what could otherwise be a visually bland resume. 3. Succinct Writing As pointed out by Ms. Kelly, less is more when it comes to resume writing. The best bullets are tightly written, getting each point across in as few words as possible. The fewer words on a resume, the more white space there can be – which is a good thing! White space allows the content to be more easily absorbed. Stay away from densely written, text-heavy resumes, which risk losing the attention of your reader. Here are a couple of examples of tightly written resume bullets: Realized three monthly closing projections in a row, a feat never before achieved in division history. Took one of least profitable divisions and achieved #3 ROI, ranking #2 for lowest overhead and #3 for asset turn. Notice how every word counts! Are your resume bullets this concise, and do they show the true impact you made on your organization? 4. Quantifiable Achievements The best resumes use metrics to nail down achievements, avoiding generalities about a person’s greatness. Buzz words like â€Å"results-oriented†will not fly. And don’t wait to convey your greatest achievements; showcase them in the top 1/3 of the resume! One technique used by TORI award winners was to write â€Å"reverse CAR stories†which state a result, followed by the challenge and action that got the result. Here’s an example of a highlight from the top 1/3 of a resume by The Essay Expert: Built intuitive, interactive user interface for Java web-based delivery system, increasing Java technology downloads by 112% in 3 months. Used Java FX to build Oracles showcase Advanced Results website for 2010 Winter Olympic Games, accessed by 1.2M unique users. Notice there are no generalities in this paragraph; it’s all concrete, factual, quantifiable information. That’s what makes good resume material. Did you learn something from the observations of a TORI judge? How might you change your resume based on her advice and The Essay Expert’s samples? For more examples and tips on how to write a top-notch resume, check out How to Write a WINNING Resume and How to Write a STELLAR Executive Resume, both written by me, Brenda Bernstein. The most current versions of the books are available in PDF through The Essay Expert’s website. Save
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Run the appropriate ANOVA, you must copy and paste the relevant tables Assignment
Run the appropriate ANOVA, you must copy and paste the relevant tables from the SPSS output file - Assignment Example Experience assigns participants to those with experience and those without experience. A participants cannot be in both groups. Piercing skills is the dependent variable. Dependent variable is that variable whose value is influenced by one or more other variables and piercing skill is expected to vary with experience and consumption of four bottles of tequila. Transform the variable ‘experience’ into a new variable ‘expgroups’ with low experience being a score of 40-69 and high experience being a score of 70-100. Give ‘expgroups’ the value labels ‘1 = low’ and ‘2 = high’. (4 points) The means for the high group are 22.08 before taking tequila and 31.25 after taking tequila and the standard deviations are 14.37 before taking the amount of tequila and 11.185 after taking the tequila. Room color is the independent variable. Independent variable is a variable whose value is fixed at particular point to dictate the value of another variable. In the study, room color meets the definition of an independent variable because its value is fixed at three different colors to determine participants’ moods. This is a repeated measures ANOVA and treatment of the participants demonstrate this. Repeated measures towards repeated measures ANOVA exists if all of the research participants are exposed to all conditions in a study and the exposure occurs in turns. This is the case as the participants are each exposed to the room colors before their mood is
Friday, October 18, 2019
Engineering ethics paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Engineering ethics - Research Paper Example This specific branch of Genetic Engineering is called Transgenics (Frewer, 2013). Even though Genetic Engineering has led to the emergence of very superb hybrid and chimeras species of animals and plants and, has also resulted to the discovery of vaccines for various diseases, it is still unethical scientific practice that has always violated the integrity and rights of many animals and the culture of man as well. Many people live in fear of this mysterious technology and a number of animals, both wild and domestic are at risk of being killed in the course of the several Genetic tests. In fact, much concern is on these victimized animals (Ormandy, 2011). Below are some of ethical issues. To the religious world, the Transgenic practice of isolating genes and tissues from one animal and inserting them into another is very immoral and unacceptable act. Such acts are unnatural practices that seek to dismantle the creation design of God. For instance, the harvesting of genes from human tumor and implanting them into tobacco plant has ignited a bitter disagreement religious culture of man and Science (Brad, 2009). During the transfer of genes and cells from an animal to human being, some zoonotic diseases (diseases that are found in both animals and human) may be carried along side. Such diseases include Nipah and Bovine, commonly known as the â€Å"mad cow disease†. These diseases are very lethal and can easily lead to sudden death of man if not diagnosed in good time (Conn, 2008). The genetically modified food has posed health threats to lay society which do not clearly understand how such foods were quickly manufactured in laboratories. It is very evident that genetically modified foods can interfere with normal functioning of the human body and has a long term health effect. Some individuals have rapidly gained weight after eating highly processed and hybrid products. Animal Welfare has been the main concern when it comes to ethical issues in Genetic
Topic Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Topic Critique - Essay Example t "to the extent that an individual can learn to perform some mental skills without conscious attention, the conscious part of the brain is freed to attend to other mental activities, thus enlarging its cognitive scope (Dickinson). For example, a person who is interested in music will learn the lyrics and tunes of a song easily without giving much conscious attention to learn it. On the other hand, same person may struggle to learn mathematics in the absence of interest, even if he performs some conscious efforts. From the above examples it is clear that certain brain activities are controlling the learning capabilities of a person unknowingly. Herman Epstein suggested that periods of rapid brain growth are the times for intellectually challenging curriculum, and that plateau periods, such as in adolescence, are the times for more concrete, experiential learning rather than pushing students too soon into abstract thinking (Dickinson) The analysing powers of a person varies differently during his life span. Alcohol or drug usages may not be considered as a sin by some youths. But the same youths may regret for their activities after ten or fifteen years. In other words, same thing may be perceived differently by the same person during different stages of his life because of differences in brain activities at different periods. Music is an entity which can control and comfort the brain activities. Even distressed persons will get a soothing effect when they hear music. A calm and peaceful mind is essential for proper learning. A learner’s mind will always be under tension because of some external parameters which may have nothing to do with learning. Music can eliminate all such negative parameters of learning and can keep the learner’s mind fully focussed on the learning activity alone. All the people hate noise, but most of them like music because of its smooth rhythm and feeling it create. â€Å"The intentional use of music in the classroom will set the scene
Technology Strategy & Innovation Management Assignment
Technology Strategy & Innovation Management - Assignment Example There are several external factors that are affecting Motorola. I will use the PESTEL framework to analyze them. The focus, therefore, will be Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological, Environment and Legal.. Let us now take a look at them in details. Political: In spite of technological advancements we have not yet reached a stage where we exist in the virtual dimension. Businesses are done through remote collaboration tools and solutions but those who collaborate operate from and within certain jurisdictions. Those jurisdictions have laws and they affect how any company operating within them can operate. Multinationals like Motorola must adapt to the political climates of their host nations. Socio-cultural: Motorola shows social responsibility and maintains good relationships with their host communities. An example of their social responsibility is the supplier diversity programme which endeavours to give certain disadvantaged groups an opportunity. Technological advancements: New solutions, new platforms and the pace of these innovations. From MRP we now have ERP and are quickly heading towards the Virtual Enterprise. Software breakthroughs have brought an expanded horizon. There are many business solutions and platforms that are constantly affecting the way we do business. Motorola is also taking advantage of these solutions and platforms. Environmental: Motorola has long term environmental policies that include designing all their products to be environment friendly, recycling or reusing all waste materials and conserving natural resources. Legal: Motorola has a well established legal department. This is demonstrated by the fact that they have an audit committee line which main aim is to allow access to the Audit and Legal Committee of the Motorola's Board of Directors. THE INTERNAL FACTORS THAT ARE AFFECTING MOTOROLA Now I want to discuss the internal factors that are affecting Motorola. I will concentrate on the threat of entry, threat of substitutes, the power of buyers, the power of suppliers and competitive rivalry. The threat of entry: Nokia, previously a minor in telecommunications overthrew Motorola the former undisputed king of telecommunications. Another smaller company could repeat what Nokia did. The challenge is predicting correctly the next technological trend. A new or smaller company can literarily become the world leader if it makes the right forecast and positions itself well to capitalize on it. There are other threats posed by certain platforms: As described by Hardwick and Bolton (1997), "Virtual enterprise companies share costs, skills, and core competencies that collectively enable them to access global markets with world-class solutions their members could not deliver individually." (Eom & Lee, 1999) This has afforded Motorola a better way of increasing efficiency while reducing costs. However, it has also opened up the door for less funded competition to increase their productivity. Threat of substitutes: The internet is growing and with this growth also comes a lot of opportunities and threats. The cost of doing business online is relatively low. This means that a less financed
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Women's Involvement During Word War II Research Paper
Women's Involvement During Word War II - Research Paper Example The importance of this lay in the immense economic and sexual changes that then gave way to new formations in the family and the workplace. This paper shall look at these and the role that women had to play in the Second World War that led to the changes that have been talked of. The creation of the fictional character James Bond can be seen in the light of the wound that the collective masculinity of the British suffered following the Second World War. This can be seen in the hyper-masculine rhetoric that Ian Fleming employs in this series of novels where he builds up the British agent as a super-male. After the loss of colonies following the war, British soldiers returned home to find that many of their jobs had been taken up by the women who had till then been a part of the home and the family. They had, during the war, since many frontline positions had been taken up by the men, taken up the posts of office workers that had been left vacant. This shows that the women were a part of the war that created a void in the land where the war was not an everyday reality as it was on foreign land. This shows that the records of bravery that have been recorded regarding the war have been masculine accounts that have been made to suit the male needs of history. There are also accounts that say that women, especially those women who are a part of lower class backgrounds, have always worked for a living and to supplement their family’s income. In the cases of people of African American communities, it has always been the case that women have contributed a significant part to the economy of the land (â€Å"The Image and Reality of Women who Worked During World War II†, n.d.). Such commentators look at the recruitment of women during the Second World War as nothing but a channelization of the energies that women had directed towards other fields towards that of the war. This direction of energies towards the war resulted in an increase in the social status t hat was enjoyed by women and women of all races. A lot of the women were a part of the Nurse Corps that was instrumental in the reduction of the number of the casualties during the war. They were also sometimes a part of the army that fought at the frontline. Apart from this, there were women who were a part of the communities that stayed at home and created items that were necessary for the victory in the war. This included those women who worked in factories so as to keep the war a well-oiled machine and also those who would collect blood and roll bandages so as to keep the work of the nurses going. This led to great improvements in the way the war was fought and was also a great morale booster for the people who were at the frontline of the war (National Women’s History Museum, 2007). Despite these changes, even during the war, women were seen as secondary to the larger idea of serving the interests of the men who were at the forefront of the war. They were mostly paid les ser wages than the men and they were also viewed with a great deal of suspicion. This can be seen from the fact that they were not a significant part of the trade unions that came up following the war. They were also laid off by many employers or were forced to work at lesser wages than the men who returned from the war. This was very different from the attitudes that were adopted by the people who had employed them when there was an acute shortage of labor in the industries. What the women felt following the euphoria of the victory of the war was a sense of betrayal
State cooperation, challenges and theoretical perspectives from Essay
State cooperation, challenges and theoretical perspectives from realism and regime analysis - Essay Example While the theorists ascribed to the school of realism view conflict as a norm between interactions by countries, the proponents of international regime hold that cooperation is the defining factor to their school of thought. Those ascribed to the theory assumes that countries cooperate in various instances such as within trade, international security as well as within the scope of human rights among other issues (Hercl, 1994, p. 64-66). The existence of international trade necessitate that the participating states as players within the trade to be unified in some manner of cooperation (Litta, 2012, p. 45). Global trade blocks are good examples to these relations between the individual countries who constitute the players in international trade. Besides trade, some common interest lead to cooperation between countries, which are such as the international environmental conservation, practices as well as the international collaborations in security issues. It is therefore the instances of cooperation that by definition allude to regimes (Buzan, 1993, p. 328-330). Despite the theory being inclined more onto the liberal view, hybrid definitions brings out another aspect of the theory as realist approach puts into perspective the neoliberal aspect in understanding the regimes. According to Drezner (2009), â€Å"The primary goal of neoliberal institutionalism was to demonstrate that even in an anarchic world populated by states with unequal amounts of power, structured cooperation was still possible†(65). The international humanitarian organizations such as the UN and others, which are tasked with confirming the correct institutions of rights to human beings. Other regimes, well known across the globe, focus on the areas that the cooperating states would resolve. Another definition to regimes refers to them as partnered behavior, where they are explained by regularity of behaviors, common rules or norms as well as similar principles (Hasenclever, et al, 2000, p. 3). Nevertheless, existence in singular, of such aspects as regular behaviors does not always indicate the existence of a regime. The general definition fails to confine the understanding of regimes to wholly regularized rules or patterns of behavior between states. The convergence of individual actors expectations describe the implicit regimes with an example of a regime being the ‘oil regime’ of the period between 1945 to 1970 which composed of common activities of oligopolistic interdependent organizations which were bound together by national procedure as well as rules and had the intervention of the United States as a sovereign authority. Common regulations and rules dictated the cooperation of the countries involved while exploring, producing as well as marketing of the petroleum products, which formed the point of consensus in the regime. National regulatory frameworks as well as market structures illustrated terms and conditions of supply that defined this pa rticular regime (Haggard and Simmons, 1987, p. 491-495). Countries hesitant to assent to frameworks that govern other states within a regime would not form part of this regime. However, the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Women's Involvement During Word War II Research Paper
Women's Involvement During Word War II - Research Paper Example The importance of this lay in the immense economic and sexual changes that then gave way to new formations in the family and the workplace. This paper shall look at these and the role that women had to play in the Second World War that led to the changes that have been talked of. The creation of the fictional character James Bond can be seen in the light of the wound that the collective masculinity of the British suffered following the Second World War. This can be seen in the hyper-masculine rhetoric that Ian Fleming employs in this series of novels where he builds up the British agent as a super-male. After the loss of colonies following the war, British soldiers returned home to find that many of their jobs had been taken up by the women who had till then been a part of the home and the family. They had, during the war, since many frontline positions had been taken up by the men, taken up the posts of office workers that had been left vacant. This shows that the women were a part of the war that created a void in the land where the war was not an everyday reality as it was on foreign land. This shows that the records of bravery that have been recorded regarding the war have been masculine accounts that have been made to suit the male needs of history. There are also accounts that say that women, especially those women who are a part of lower class backgrounds, have always worked for a living and to supplement their family’s income. In the cases of people of African American communities, it has always been the case that women have contributed a significant part to the economy of the land (â€Å"The Image and Reality of Women who Worked During World War II†, n.d.). Such commentators look at the recruitment of women during the Second World War as nothing but a channelization of the energies that women had directed towards other fields towards that of the war. This direction of energies towards the war resulted in an increase in the social status t hat was enjoyed by women and women of all races. A lot of the women were a part of the Nurse Corps that was instrumental in the reduction of the number of the casualties during the war. They were also sometimes a part of the army that fought at the frontline. Apart from this, there were women who were a part of the communities that stayed at home and created items that were necessary for the victory in the war. This included those women who worked in factories so as to keep the war a well-oiled machine and also those who would collect blood and roll bandages so as to keep the work of the nurses going. This led to great improvements in the way the war was fought and was also a great morale booster for the people who were at the frontline of the war (National Women’s History Museum, 2007). Despite these changes, even during the war, women were seen as secondary to the larger idea of serving the interests of the men who were at the forefront of the war. They were mostly paid les ser wages than the men and they were also viewed with a great deal of suspicion. This can be seen from the fact that they were not a significant part of the trade unions that came up following the war. They were also laid off by many employers or were forced to work at lesser wages than the men who returned from the war. This was very different from the attitudes that were adopted by the people who had employed them when there was an acute shortage of labor in the industries. What the women felt following the euphoria of the victory of the war was a sense of betrayal
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Websites Essay Example for Free
Websites Essay Websites are an integral element in ensuring proper electronic communications between various entities bearing in mind that the world is rapidly going high-tech. Websites may thus be categorized into 3 groups namely: bad; good; or ugly. Good sites ensure fast maneuverability besides offering accurate and relevant information. Ugly sites are those that appear plain silly owing to various omissions or unnecessary additions. Conversely, bad sites have the characteristics of being inefficient to use owing to poor design. The Department of Homeland Security website is an example of a good site because it is both interactive besides providing original and credible content. Regarding interactivity, the website has provisions for visitors to subscribe to electronic mail alerts (Department of Homeland Security, 2010). This aspect ensures that visitors are up-to-date regarding the organization’s activities. Concerning credibility, the website provides current news about activities that have been carried out by known homeland security officials. This aspect makes the site credible with regard to information. Conversely, the Space Is the Place website appears ugly owing to its awful color combination. For example, the colors blue and yellow are placed side-to-side (Harman, 2007). The contrasting nature of these colors makes the site quite off-putting especially to color-sensitive visitor. To rectify the site’s appearance, the designers should do several things. For example, they should modify the color scheme to incorporate more complementary colors. Moreover, they should adjust the appearance of the suspended saint to show that he is comfortable. This will make the appearance plausible by changing the current appearance whereby the saint is controversially happy while hanging in space. Moreover, by making the website’s content less crowded, the designers will make the website more acceptable. Conversely, the Ling’s Cars website is poorly designed. To begin with, the advertised cars are barely visible due to obstruction by huge adverts. Further, numerous eerie images litter the site, making it unintelligible. To cap it all, the websites’ arrangement of various elements is simply outrageous (Biz/ed). To improve the site, the cars should dominate it since it is meant to sell them. Moreover, the images on the site should be systemized, perhaps, providing them in slide form, so as to enhance readability. To improve overall quality, the haphazard arrangement of the site’s many features should be overhauled by creating definite sections that hold specific elements.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Advertising consumption
Advertising consumption Introduction: With the rapid development of technology, the way people advertise and consume has changed gradually. In the other words, technology is increasing the capacity and practices of consumption and providing more platforms for advertising. Some people argue that it might lead to weak social organisation and solidarity, however, the influence of technology on peoples daily life is inevitable. Take online shopping for example, it is magnificently affecting the traditional consumption habits. More and more consumers are getting used to purchasing online instead of high street shopping. This essay is going to observe how technology has expanded the scope of advertising and the spaces of consumption practices in terms of online shopping. Besides, critical evaluation will be carried out to verify the accuracy and effectiveness of the observation. Analysis: Holt D. (1995) pointed out that the act of consuming is a varied and effortful accomplishment underdetermined by the characteristics of the object. Any products can be typically consumed in a range of different ways by different consumers. Therefore, it is essential to analyse how online shopping is influencing the consumption practices of consumers. Consumption Practices: First of all, online shopping brings us a convenient, fast and time-saving consuming atmosphere, and this is considered to be the major concern of middle class who work eight hours in average, and they dont have much time to spend on shopping. Hence, they treat time like gold, and wish to buy everything they want as short as a few minutes. In traditional shopping pattern, consumers need to spend a large number of energy and time on selecting and comparing various goods in different high street stores. The information about the products often vary due to the misinterpretation of salesmen. Besides, there are always restricts of time and place. Take Newcastle city centre for example, most shops on Northumberland Street close before six oclock. People who work until six will not be able to do any shopping during the weekdays, and the people who live in suburbs where there is no shopping centre nearby will have to waste an hour or more on the way to city centre and back. Online shopping perfectly solves the problem. Shopping can be easily completed within a couple of clicks in anytime and anywhere as long as the customers have internet access. Itunes is a successful online software and platform that provides consumers a convenient way to buy their favourite music. Sometimes, people dont wan to buy the whole album. Instead, theyd like to listen to some specific tracks by different artists. Itune totally satisfy these consumers by offering download of every single track of various artists with a little amount of expenses, and it is really time-saving just a couple of clicks, then the track will be downloaded automatically and ready in a flash of time( depends on the speed of Internet service providers). Secondly, the advantage of online shopping on products price is obvious to obtain, and price is always the most important factor for consumers to consider. Online sales compared to traditional stores, it doesnt require any physical store. Besides, online sales are able to contact directly with upstream suppliers and ask them to send the products to customers when necessary. Hence, no self-storage facilities will be used to store goods so that the cost of logistics and storages can be minimised. In the other words, the total cost of online sales is much lower than the average cost of physical store sales. In addition, online bidding is getting more and more popular as consumers can get the products in an unbelievably low price from time to time. A typical example of online bidding is ebay. Therefore, the retail price online is relatively lower than traditional physical stores, which will be expected to attract more customers. Special promotion or sale will be another reason to shop online. For instance, there is 20% student discount occasionally throughout catalogues on the official website of Topshop/Topman when the customers make the purchase online, meanwhile there is only 10% discount in store for students, and this also reflects the advantage of online shopping on price. After all, no people are willing to pay more for something that is exactly the same. In addition, online shopping provides consumers more comfortable and pleasant shopping atmosphere. During the process of shopping, some consumers require the feelings of pleasure rather than the products themselves, and many of them have experienced various attitudes from different salesmen in physical stores. Those salesmen usually approach customers with smile when they step in the stores and recommend a number of products to the customers when browsing the shop, However, the smile on their faces will fade away with time as the customers dont show any interest on the products they recommend. Most consumers will not be pleased by the way the salesmen persuade them to make the purchase, instead, they want to shop in a Comfortable and pleasant mood. In contrast, those who have shopped online will find consumption via online shopping is a lot easier. They are always free to click on the products they are interested and able to compare different products as often as they want. Besides, they can make the purchase, save the products for later or leave the products without the interference from salesmen by simply clicking on the web pages. Take ASOS for example, customers can quickly find the clothes they want by narrowing down the search results. Besides, these clothes can be displayed in 360 degree, and can be even viewed by real models catwalk what can hardly be seen in physical stores. Furthermore, online shopping brings a customised products consuming platform for the customers who have special requirements. More and more products need to meet the consumers imagination to meet the needs of individual consumers with the development of society. The choices by consumers may no longer be practicalness of the products, but more needs to reflect the values of their own. How to make the products innovative and stimulate curiosity of consumer has become a crucial problem the product developer must consider. Many products sold in online stores can not be found in any physical shopping malls or stores. These unique products usually emphasis on trendy and interesting . They are customised to meet the requirements of every single customers. In online stores, costumers can find a range of special products which are beyond our imagination, from nails to laptops, from furnitures to clothes, every product involved in our daily life can be customised meet peoples needs. For instance, customers will be able to customise their laptop, mobile phone and even gaming consoles by altering their colours on a website called Colourware. There is a wide range of colours to choose and the front, trim or back of your digital devices can even be altered in different colours. Moreover, The prices of these luxury products in the traditional physical stores are relatively more expensive than online boutiques. Online shopping brings the opportunities to get famous brand products with a reasonable price for those label lovers who can not afford the price. As mentioned before, price is the most important factor that consumers should consider. For these people who need to purchase luxury products to show their status and prestige, they think certain products with famous brand will improve the quality of life, and reflects the social status at the same time. There is also another way to satisfy customers vanity, if they can afford these luxury products neither online nor in store : rent them. They dont need spend a lot on these famous labels as better solution is going to save them a great amount of money. In a website called Rent Luxury Bags ,customers can find most luxury bags theyve been dreaming of, and they can rent these bags in a reasonable price. Additionally, these bags can be rent from four week up to a year. Last but not least, all customers are able to put their personal belongings online and sell or trade them as second hand products. In the other word, everything can be commodity as long as the demand of these products exists. Take E-bay for example, millions of second hand products are updated everyday on this online trading platform. Sometimes, it is the only way to get the products when the brand new one is no longer in stock. Advertising: As more and more consumers are getting used to online shopping, advertising is also transforming from offline to online. A great number of online shopping websites are cooperating with social network websites,search engines and email service providers such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, Bing, Hotmail etc in order to maximise the online exposure. When searching a keyword on search engine, all the hyperlinks of relevant products will be listed on the first page of search results, and all the relevant websites who have paid advertising fees to the search engine will be popped up on the advertisement column. Similarly, a range of products with hyperlinks will be recommended on your profile page of Facebook or Twitter according to users search history. To put it in different words, advertisement of online shopping websites can be seen everywhere once you get online. The individual owners of small websites are mainly making money through the website advertising alliance. the form of web advertising alliance was invented by Amazon in 1996. The advertising mode of Amazon advertising alliance is CPS (cost per sell), which means the amount of advertising income will depend on the actual sale figures on the online shopping website. With the moderate acceptance and recognition of CPS advertising mode by consumers , online shopping advertising has gradually become the major advertising method, and the revenue of online shopping advertising is increasing in a magnificent speed . More and more sites have been dug to a online shopping advertising market in order to get a share of this new market. There have been a range of online shopping advertising-based mode to promote different sites. Since online shopping has a large number of users, these owners of small websites also gained sustained, reliable and stable income. Cash back websites are becoming popular among online shopping consumers. Once the users make successful purchases through the links provided by the cash back websites, the online shopping websites offer these cash back websites all or part of the sales commission in the form of cash or points to users. The main advantages of cash back websites in one word is cheaper, as they save more money for the consumers, and the maximum savings may be up to 30%. This is a better way for those consumers who make the purchases online regularly. More importantly, these cash back websites are promoting more than 3000 retailers toward consumers at the same time. The most successful example in UK is Quidco. It is obvious to notice the online retailers on the frontpage of Quidco, such as ebay, orange and so on. As consumers browse Quidco to find the cash back deal for their favourite products, the products on other online retailers have also been browsed. In addition, price comparison websites are another essential way to promote online retailers. A number of relevant products will be picked from different online retailers and listed from lowest price to highest price for the consumers to choose once the keyword is typed in. Price Grabber can be taken as the representative of these websites, and any products from appliances to wines can be search and compared in order to find the cheapest products for customers. Simultaneously, the online retailers who sell cheaper products will be exposed to more customers. It is also a practical online shopping advertising mode that offers users an alternative shopping experience. Furthermore, professional online shopping navigation sites are born to promote various online retailers or physical shops and focus on a certain area such as books, restaurants or travels. These websites publish free of coupons, offers, discounts , promotions, free shipping, and other shopping information about some specific websites or shops regularly. They are capable of gathering a large number of online retailers and physical stores and reorganize them in different categories. The updated information about these retailers can be spreaded to potential customers. These potential customers can reach the product or service pages they are interested in by simply clicking the links the navigation sites provide, and it saves a lot of time for the consumers. These professional navigation sites are practical online shopping advertising mode, and they provide a simple, easy, clear way to shop online. For instance, My Voucher Codes provide a wide range of promotional codes, e-vouchers or discount codes , which will offer consumers a discount or money off the listed retail price of many goods, at a variety of different online UK retailers. Moreover, online retailers can be exposed via products review sites. This type of sites mainly focus on film, television, books or restaurants, and guide users to make a purchase through the comment on a particular commodity by other consumers. The interaction between customers on these sites are relatively strong, and it will provoke potential customers to buy the products online shopping customers via the feedbacks from other users in order to achieve the promotion. Students will be expected to be the largest group of potential users of this kind of site. Evaluation: April 2009, the European Commission in Brussels hosted the first summit of European consumers, the them of the meeting is the opportunities and challenges in digital age. A copy of Euros statistics on online shopping was released during the meeting. These data were from family, personal use of information and communication technology survey in twenty seven European countries. According to the statistics on Euro Online Shopping Industry Report(2009), about one-third of customers in European countries have the experience of making the purchase online in 2008, the most popular consumptions online are tourism and clothing . In 2008, the individual consumers between the ages of 16-74, about 32% of the purchase or order through the network are personal goods or services. In recent years, the proportion of individuals online shopping steady growth (in 2004 was 20% in 2006 to 26%, 30% in 2007.) Basically speaking, all EU member showed a growth in online shopping. The majority of the 27 European countries, the most frequent consumer groups in online shopping is 25-34 years (representing the number of age 47%), while in Malta, Slovenia, Slovakia and Bulgaria, age group of online shopping is 16-24 years old. In the 16-24 years old and 35-44 year-olds, online shopping is increasing moderately, the percentage is as high as 41% and 40%. In the 45-54 year-old ,55-64-year-old 65-74 years old, the online shopping rate gradually decreased, respectively, 31%, 20% and 9%. In 2008, the most products and services consumed online are travel and holiday products (14% of individual consumers have purchased or ordered such products in the past 12 months), followed by clothing and sporting goods (13%) Books and magazines (12%), household items or event tickets (both 11%), film and music products (9%), electronic products (8%). In Denmark, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden and Finland, more than half of consumers conducted online shopping. 16-74 year-olds, over 59% of the Danish people have the experience of online shopping, meanwhile in UK is 57%, 56% in the Netherlands, Germany and were 53% in Sweden , 51% in Finland. Among European Union countries, travel clothing and sporting goods occupy the highest proportion in Finland, these two were 31% and 27%, the highest proportion in purchasing of books and magazines is in Luxembourg (29%), purchase rate of home supplies and the highest proportion of electronic products in Germany were 26% and 18%, the highest percentage of purchase event tickets is in Denmark (28%), purchase products, movies and the United Kingdom occupies the highest proportion of music purchase (24%). Based on the online shopping statistics in the UK for November 2009 and February 2010 quarter (Harris G, 2010), the top ten e-commerce sites for that quarter are:, Argos,, Apple Computer,, Tesco, Marks Spencer, John Lewis, Next and Easyjet. Among these sites above, most of them have been massively exposed via a range of online shopping advertising. The more these online retailers promote, the more customers will be. Besides, the comments about their products on product review sites are mainly positive, and this will have the influence on potential customers decision making. For those companies who have physical stores like Tesco, Marks Spencer or John Lewis, online shops have increased their share in online shopping industry, and customers now can enjoy the products from them anywhere and anytime. Although these companies have been existing for years, a number of customers would still like to purchase their products in an alternative and convenient way. According to the analysis by Redfern A. (2007), the UK online advertising industry has spent over  £2,015.8 billion pounds for the full year of 2006, occupied approximately 11.4% share of the UK advertising industry. This indicates the growth of online shopping advertising is affecting advertising industry and motivate more companies to establish online shops and promote their products in an alternative way. Besides,  £30.2 billion pounds have been spent online during 2006, and 19.7 million people are used to shop online in the UK, spending shopping basket of  £652 each in the past couple of months in average. It is assumed that by the end of 2011, 32 million domestic consumers will start their first shopping online, and the value of commodities they purchase online will be around 52 billion pounds in 2011. Hence, the amount customers spend online will be expected to double in five years, and more people will be persuaded to make the purchase online by the regular consumers who have been doing online shopping for a long time. Conclusion: In conclusion, technology did expanded the scope of advertising and the spaces of consumption practices. It is changing peoples life in every possible way, and is challenging traditional advertising and consumption practices. The revolution of shopping from physical stores to online retailers is inevitably taking place, and choices for online shopping advertising is moderately increasing. It is expected that more consumers will start shopping online and dont need to spend great amount of time on searching for the products they are interested in the future. On the contrary, these products will be able to find the consumers via online shopping advertising.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Sharks - Rulers of the Ocean :: Personal Narratives
Have you ever seen Jaws? Do you remember that blood-curdling scream as one of the girls was being attacked by the great white? That is how I felt as the sharks started to circle us. You could see the fear in our eyes. You could feel the ocean shudder as we all shook from excitement and trepidation. This is how most people feel about sharks. That is why researchers are trying their hardest to dispel all of the rumors about sharks. The only problem the researchers have is the local governments. They setup regulations banning people from coming in contact with any endangered animal. Sharks are not quite on the endangered list, but they are threatened by man. Until we find out everything we want to know about these animals we will be ignorant to their unique place in the balance of life. I wanted to know more about sharks, so I took the first step; I went to the ocean. This part of our trip to Fiji was the main attraction. All of the other dives led up to this one. We were sitting at the bottom of a reef head, which was about 100 feet below the surface. As we descended, all we could see was this huge tornado of fish and sharks. One kind of fish, the jack, was huge. They were about a foot and a half tall, about six inches wide and about two feet long. There were also about 8 potato groupers. The potato grouper is about a foot long to about three feet long, sometimes weighing in at over 100 pounds. There were hundreds of fish. When we were settled on our perch, the show really began. They came in from the deep blue abyss. Slicing their way through the ocean currents, they judged us with their grayish eyes as they passed. They were testing us, as they got closer every time. The sharks would come in and out of our field of view, passing inches over our heads, as they glided through our bubbles. We could see their scales they were so close to us. Every time they passed, I could feel them brush me with the water. Their tails were so strong that I was pushed over by the water that they moved. Their colors were as different as a person’s skin tones, from gray to blue for their upper bodies, but for their lower bodies it was an off white; almost gray.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Diagnosis and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder Versus Unipolar Depress
The Diagnosis and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder Versus Unipolar Depression Bipolar disorder is a serious mental disorder, but unfortunately our collective knowledge of this mental illness is not extensive. Unlike depression, where patients are strictly sullen and deeply blue, the bipolar patient experiences that same depression only flanked by extreme highsâ€â€a hyperactivity and increase in serotonin. It is this inconsistency in moodâ€â€a clinical mood swinging, that makes bipolar disorder so difficult to diagnose. Difficulty, as will be discussed in the paper, comes from patients inability to recognize these highs as potentially troublesome, and instead opt to focus only on the depressed moods that follow. Conventional thought, after all, is not to worry or see a doctor should one suddenly have increased energy and enthusiasm. The result is a overwhelming understanding of other illnesses, but significantly less of bipolar, especially of these highs, or hypomanic episodes patients feel. This paper will first discuss bipolar disorder, its symptoms a nd prognosis. The errors in diagnosing bipolar disorder and how this leads to confusion surrounding treatments will also be discussed. An investigation in to the diagnosis and treatment of bipolar disorder will reveal a strong inconsistency in treatment stemming from lack of conclusive knowledge about the disorder. While many doctors suggest antidepressant use, while others will utilize lithium, and mood stabilizers, and in fact this range of treatments is in fact responsible for the lack of holistic understanding of the disorder as a chemo-physiological disease, but also as a separate entity from traditional, or what is often referred to as unipolar depression. According to the Americ... ... 11-20 Nemeroff CB, Evans DL et. al. (2001). Double-blind, placebo-controlled comparison of imipramine and paroxetine in the treatment of bipolar depression. American Journal of Psychiatry 158(6), 906-912 Post RM, Altshuler LL, Frye MA et al. (2001). Rate of switch in bipolar patients prospectively treated with second-generation antidepressants as augmentation to mood stabilizers. Bipolar Disorders, 3(5), 259-265. Post RM and Denicoff KD. (2003). Morbidity in 258 bipolar outpatients followed for 1 year with daily prospective ratings on the NIMH life chart method. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 64, 680-690 Rihmer Z. and Pestality P. (1999). Psychiatric Clinician of North America, 22, 667-673. Silverstone T (2001). Moclobemide vs. imipramine in bipolar depression: a multicentre double-blind clinical trial. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 104(2), 104-109.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Acc 490 Week 4 Individual Assignment
The trends show a significant increase in the inventory turn days, an increase in the gross margin for the best result for the four year period, and an improved collection time. c. 7. 84 days Tolerable misstatement ? cogs x 365 = 45 ? 1859 x 365 = 7. 84 d. 20Ãâ€"5 has significant changes with the combined decrease to purchases with an increase in the gross margin which increased by 52. 4%. Inventory turn days increased to 199 days from 183 days. When you combine this result with the expectation range of 7. 4 days, the result is significant and shows what could be a potential overstatement of inventory from a possible error in calculations or fraudulent financial reporting. 10-32 a. a. Control Environment. b. Control activities: Controls over management discretion in financial reporting. c. Control activities: Information processing controls: Computer general controls. d. Monitoring. e. Risk Assessment. f. Control Environment. g. Control activities: Information processing controls: C omputer general controls. h. Control activities: Information processing controls: Computer application controls. i. Control activities: Performance reviews. j. Control activities: Information processing controls: Computer application controls. k. Monitoring. l. Information and communication. m. Risk assessment. n. Control activities: Information processing controls: Controls over the financial reporting process. b. a. Common impact. b. Valuation or Allocation c. All assertions d. Completeness, Existence or occurrence. e. Common impact f. All assertions g. All any assertion . Completeness i. Valuation or Allocation, Completeness, Existence or occurrence j. Existence or occurrence k. Existence or occurrence l. All assertions m. All assertions n. All assertions 11-21 a. The reasons an auditor may assess control risk at the maximum level for one or more assertions embodied in an account balance include controls that are unlikely to relate to an assertion, controls are unlikely to be effective, and it would not be ef ficient for the auditor to evaluate the effectiveness of the controls of the entity. b. In order for an auditor to support assessing control risk at less than the maximum level when the auditor has determined that the controls have been placed into operation include a few issues. One is that the auditor needs to identify the specific controls that will affect specific financial statement assertions. Another involves the auditor performing tests of controls in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and operation of said controls that prevent or detect any misstatements of material of financial statement assertions. The final issue is that the auditor needs to determine the assessed level of control risk. c. There are things that an auditor needs to consider when seeking a further reduction in the planned assessed level of control risk including if additional tests of controls will give additional needed evidence, and if it will be effective to the additional tests of controls. d. The auditor’s documentation requirements concerning an entity’s system of internal controls along with assessing the level of control risk include having the auditor document the basic requirements involving the systems of internal controls of the entity and assessing their levels of control risks. An auditor also needs to document the basic understanding of the risk assessment along with the control environment, monitoring, and information and communication. An auditor is also required to document the assessment of the level of control risk for all significant financial statement assertions along with the control risk that is assessed at the maximum level. Documentation of the workplace needs to include a description of the tests of controls that the auditor has completed, the results obtained from those findings with the deficiencies noted, the evaluation of the auditor as to the effectiveness of the controls, and the effect on the timing, nature, and extent of the substantive audit procedures.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
India’s Caste System
The caste system is a system of division of labour and power in human society. It is a system of social stratification, and a basis foraffirmative action. Historically, it defined communities into thousands of endogamous hereditary groups called Jatis. The Jatis were grouped by the Brahminical texts under the four well-known caste categories (the varnas): viz Brahmins, Kshatriyas,Vaishyas, and Shudras. Certain people were excluded altogether, ostracized by all other castes and treated as untouchables.Although identified with Hinduism, caste systems have also been observed among other religions on the Indian subcontinent, including some groups of Muslims, Buddha. Caste is commonly thought of as an ancient fact of Hindu life, but various contemporary scholars have argued that the caste system was constructed by the British colonial regime. Caste is neither unique to Hindu religion nor to India; caste systems have been observed in other parts of the world, for example, in the Muslim com munity of Yemen, Christian colonies of Spain, and Japan.The Indian government officially recognizes historically discriminated lowest castes of India such as Untouchables and Shudras underScheduled Castes, and certain economically backward castes as Other Backward Castes. The Scheduled Castes are sometimes referred to as Dalit in contemporary literature. In 2001, the proportion of Dalit population was 16. 2 percent of India's total population. Since 1950, India has enacted and implemented many laws and social initiatives to protect and improve the socio-economic conditions of its Dalit population.By 1995, of all jobs in the Central Government service, 17. 2 percent of the jobs were held by Dalits. Of the highest paying, senior most jobs in government agencies and government controlled enterprises, over 10 percent were held by members of the Dalit community, a tenfold increase in 40 years but yet to fill up the 15 percent reserved quota for them. In 1997, India democratically elected K. R. Narayanan, a Dalit, as the nation's President. In the last 15 years, Indians born in historically discriminated minority castes have been elected to its highest judicial and political offices.While the quality of life of Dalit population in India, in terms of metrics such as poverty, literacy rate, access to health care, life expectancy, education attainability, access to drinking water, housing, etc. have seen faster growth amongst the Dalit population between 1986 and 2006, for some metrics, it remains lower than overall non-Dalit population, and for some it is better than poor non-Dalit population. A 2003 report claims inter-caste marriage is on the rise in urban India.Indian societal relationships are changing because of female literacy and education, women at work, urbanization, need for two-income families, and influences from the media. India's overall economic growth has produced the fastest and most significant socio-economic changes to the historical injustice to it s minorities. Legal and social program initiatives are no longer India's primary constraint in further advancement of India's historically discriminated sections of society and the poor. Further advancements are likely to come from improvements in the supply of quality schools in rural and urban India, along with India's economic growth.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Facebook Case Analysis Essay
1. Why and how do people use Facebook? Facebook is now one of the biggest platform to help people connect with friends and family. People share their information with each other on Facebook. People use Facebook in three broad ways. Firstly uploading and sharing photos, videos or statuses this acts as a means to connect with friends and family, at one click information can be shared with a number of people. Secondly, Facebook offer companies and businesses to create free profile pages, where they can share information about their products and offers. This helps companies engaging with their customers, learn about them, listen to their feedback and promote their new products and services. Finally, the Facebook platform, which attracts third-party developers to build applications and games catering to Facebook users. This platform has helped Facebook in attracting lots of users. All these functionality has helped Facebook in increasing their user base and developing an internet eco system. Different functionality offer uniqu e advantages to different user group attracting them towards Facebook. 2. Evaluate the success of Facebook Fan pages. Facebook Fan pages are so successful because they are integrated right into user’s news feeds. If a company has any update or promotes on their page then fans of that page will automatically see it and know about it. In order to make fan page successful admin must update page regularly. Admin can also use photos, videos or other advertising techniques to increase fan’s engagement with the page. These technique catch users’ attention and encourage users’ input if they like the videos or photos, these updates help users remember sales, deals and new products that are being advertise. Another advantage with Facebook fan page which makes it hugely successful is that when you promote a Fan page, it shows up on the friend’s feeds making page accessible to friends of fans making it more likely for your friend to like or promote the page.
Nursing philosophy Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Nursing philosophy - Personal Statement Example A nurse should embrace the caring culture as they should put aside their values and care for the sick patient. Nurses should have integrity so as to make an ethical decision (Watson 65). Nurses should also embrace diversity so as to understand different cultures in accordance to their patients. Nurses believe that humans are complex organisms and that the study of their nature is more complex than people perceive (Watson 70). Nurses also believe that humans like to be understood. Finally, nurses believe that all humans behave differently. This is helpful as nurses look after dozens of people each day. Hence, they learn to relate with the different types of species that are out there. The society expects nurses to offer emotional support to their patients, as well as their families. Also, the society expects nurses to have good hygiene along with their dressing (Watson 72). Finally, a nurse is also expected, by the society, to follow the doctor’s orders. This might include overseen tests among others. A patient expects a nurse to look after him or her in all ways (Watson 72). For instance, a patient who cannot walk expects a nurse to lead his or her way in the hospital. In addition, families with their respective members in a hospital expect nurses to look after them with much care. Finally, a doctor expects that a nurse follows his or her directions such as when caring out surgeries or tests that are left behind to be done later (Watson 73). Education in nursing offers the potential nurse with great knowledge that she might draw upon on her career (Watson 105). Also, education nursing requires potential nurse to complete a semester of hands-on practice in a health center. This enables potential nurses to have a glimpse of what nursing really involves before they call it a career (Watson 105). Finally, education in nursing enables future nurses to acquire licenses from the National Council Licensure Examination in nursing. If I turn out to be a nurse,
Monday, October 7, 2019
Critical Thinking Application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Critical Thinking Application - Essay Example I agree that to the choice of the central issue as: Is it right for General Barry Norman to use the mycoherbicides to supposedly help Afghanistan and its people, and to save many American lives by ending the military action sooner? As compared to all the other ethical issues, the issue on determining if General Barry Norman is right to use the mycoherbicides is most critical in the case given that any action that would ensue from this issue would drastically affect a majority of people: the Afghanistan, the Americans, and even the international organizations who should be involved in the effects of mychoherbicides to mankind. In other words, this central ethical issue has enormous ethical implications. The other identified ethical issues only affect the party concerned (like for example, the first issue: â€Å"Is it right for the Taliban to protect and tax Afghanistan’s opium business, using drug profits to support its activities, including the fight against US and other forc es?†have ethical implications focusing on the interests of the Talibans – with repercussions to the United States. For the second issue: â€Å"Is it right for the Unites States to seek ways to destroy or reduce Afghanistan’s’ opium crop in order to cut off the source of Taliban’s money?†the ethical implications would revolve on benefits to the US and detriments to the Taliban. In contrast, the central issue does not only affect the Talibans, the United States, but other innocent people whose lives might be put in danger with the use of the mycoherbicides. The fact that there is a critical concern as to the stability of the mycoherbicides and the likelihood they may mutate and spread beyond our control attests to the veracity of it being the central ethical issue in the case. A central ethical issue of using mycoherbicides in Afghanistan’s poppy plants needs further research. A report conducted by the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) entitled â€Å"Repeating Mistakes of the Past:
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