Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Why Everybody Is Talking About Speech and Essay Samples...The Simple Truth Revealed
Why Everybody Is Talking About Speech and Essay Samples...The Simple Truth Revealed Key Pieces of Speech and Essay Samples If you're already on the lookout for persuasive essay examples online, you most likely have a somewhat vague idea on how best to get started writing. Deciding a topic is easily the most important role in informative essay writing. However, essays have an extremely very good importance not merely to acquire great grades but in addition in expressing one's emotions. Writing an essay is an essential role in academe life. The Do's and Don'ts of Speech and Essay Samples As a consequence, it's possible and right to hold someone accountable for the communication they make though speech. A cause and effect essay is the kind of paper that the writer is using to analyze the causes and effects of a specific action or event. The body of your analysis essay is in fact an analytical part that has to include a thorough explanation of all strategies employed by the spe aker. When writing this sort of essay, in-depth understanding of the issue or event's roots will be of excellent benefit. Why Almost Everything You've Learned About Speech and Essay Samples Is Wrong Generally speaking, a speech appeals to a particular audience in a specific place and time, while an essay communicates with an overall audience. Do not believe the conclusion isn't important since it is every bit as important as the human body and the introduction. The very first step to writing a fantastic speech is choosing the correct or suitable topic. Hopefully, these speech writing advice will lead to your success and you'll get an opportunity to relish performing in the front of the audience. The Battle Over Speech and Essay Samples and How to Win It Allocating a time limit for the principal components of your speech is a great way to keep on sample schedule. It is not important to us, whether you're too busy on the job concentrating on a passion undertaking, or simply tired of a seemingly infinite stream of assignments. Despite the fact that you pay for homework, we provide those options at no cost. Somebody works part-time and doesn't have sufficient time to do each of the assignments. Ruthless Speech and Essay Samples Strategies Exploited When giving a speech it can be tricky to determine exactly what things to say. There are 3 important pieces of an excellent speech. There's no perfect freedom of speech, there's still much to be desired. You might have the ideal voice and persuading power but don't deliver a great speech as a result of failure to select the best theme. If you're scared of giving a speech, we can assist you. It is essential that the audience gives him full attention in order to get the absolute most out of his speech. Whispered Speech and Essay Samples Secrets Essay writing is usually practiced is schools. Nowadays it is extremely difficult to locate a trustworthy essay writing service. The most frequently encountered paper writing service that the vast majority of our clients require is essay writing. If you discover that the writer did not provide precisely what you expected, request a revision, and we'll make the corrections. The Importance of Speech and Essay Samples Once you've broken the ice, you should lead them into the heart of the speech. The body is the meat of the entire speech. Actually, the most important mission for regulating mass media and internet ought to be to safeguard and deepen the liberty of speech. The liberty of speech in modern society is extremely necessary, because it's the most significant thing a man or woman can have, in the event the material goods are thrown away. Definitions of Speech and Essay Samples If your speech is very confusing or it follows a complicated path with lots of of acronyms, think about building a PowerPoint presentation with a couple slides that supply a visual aid. It does not include the word-for-word particulars of the speech outline its basic pieces. A speech template permits you to sequence information effectively. You are able to come across various keynote speech examples that may function as your guide for making your template. Our writers are some of the the most trusted speech experts on the web. It's worth to purchase the most effective persuasive speech topics from experts than to do it yourself and don't meet the necessary standard of a university student's speech. Our crew of writers who pr ovide this kind of assistance will be happy to earn a job-winning resume for you. These competitions are organized on the premise that students can receive the ideal atmosphere for self-development. Typically, you are going to be requested to analyze only a little portion of the entire speech, for instance, an excerpt from a lengthy text. Contrary to other types, especially nonverbal communications that can be easily misinterpreted, passing the incorrect message through speech gets substantially not possible. Following that, it is possible to find some political speech analysis examples and study them to comprehend what makes a prosperous speech analysis. A template will remind you of the situations that you should concentrate on your speech.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Benefits Of Dissecting A Cat - 2258 Words
1. Introduction: †¢ What is dissection? Dissection is the â€Å"process of disassembling and observing something to determine its internal structure and as an aid to discerning the functions and relationships of its components†(Dissection). The term is most often used concerning the dissection of plants and animals, including humans. Comparative anatomy is the investigation of similitudes and contrasts in the life structures of various species. It is firmly identified with transformative science and phylogeny. Comparative anatomy has gradually and long been utilized as evidence for evolution; it indicates that various organisms share a common ancestor. Dissection of cats in an anatomy class is a common occurrence and believed to be a great learning mechanism for students. Schools and education systems utilize the availability of a cat because they are vertebrates and include a great amount of similarity in structures as humans, as students learn the anatomy and physiology of the human bo dy. Advantages of dissecting a cat include a sensory factor that a visual study is unable to provide. A fact of being a human is that a great many people recall things they can touch or work on accomplishing more than they recollect data that they examined. By analyzing a creature in individual and touching it, the material encounters can give a general, better learning background that may help them in future classes if science or medical sciences will be examined. I hold the belief that theShow MoreRelatedAnatomy And Physiology Of A Cat944 Words  | 4 PagesHave you ever dissected a cat before? When I was in high school, I took anatomy and physiology. From this class I learned that I actually took an interest in this subject appreciable amount. When it came time to take tests, I did not even mind studying because I had found it remarkably interesting. From my interest in the class, I ended up getting an A. In my second semester of taking this class, we were told that we had to dissect a cat. The thought of dissecting a cat frightened me because I wasRead MorePersuasive Essay On Animal Testing822 Words  | 4 Pages Death For Life Dogs, cats, guinea pigs, and rabbits. What do they have in common? Maybe that they could all be common house pets, but it could also be that they are some of the animals that are commonly tested on for biomedical purposes as stated by the Humane Society. In the topic of using animals for biomedical research there are two definitive sides. Those opposed to animal testing state that it is unacceptable and unnecessary due to the fact that it only leads to the torture and death of millionsRead MoreBenefits of Dissection818 Words  | 3 Pagespathological splitting or separation of tissue, according to Webster’s online dictionary. Beneath the simple definition lies an immense amount of controversy. This paper will provide pros and cons regarding ethics of dissection. Dissection has many benefits. The experience of dissection is unforgettable. â€Å"Things you can actually touch usually stick in your head better,†according to Dr. Damon Scoville. Dissection is an approach to science that creates a lasting impression. Students gain many thingsRead MoreAnimal Testing: What if You Were in Their Place? Essay1621 Words  | 7 Pagestesting that has been going on for centuries. Mice, rats, dogs, pigs, cats, fish, birds and primates are tested every day by human beings in an attempt to learn more about the functions of our own bodies (Update: Animal Testing 2). The issue of animal testing has become an important topic of debate because despite the cruel and inhumane treatment of laboratory animals, people who support animal testing claim that the research benefits are phenomenal and surely outweigh the animals’ pain and sufferingRead MoreAnimal Testing And Its Unnecessary Cruelty1682 Words  | 7 Pagesother methods using 21st century technology. Unfortunately, there are not enough laws or regulations in the U.S. to protect the safety of all animals. The penalties for companies who violate current laws on animal cruelty do not outweigh the economic benefits companies reap from their research. The U.S. should outlaw all animal testing by passing the Humane Cosmetics Act (H.R. 2790) because it is unethical, there are several alternatives, and because most tests performed on animals show different effectsRead More Animal Experimentation Essay1792 Words  | 8 Pagestreatment and use of laboratory animals. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Use of Animals in Research Some of the earliest recorded studies involving animals were performed by Aristotle (384-322 B.C.), who revealed anatomical differences among animals by dissecting them (Rowan, 1984). The Greek physician Galen (A.D. 129-199) maintained that experimentation led to scientific progress and is said to have been the first to conduct demonstrations with live animals--specifically pigs-a practice later extended toRead MoreIs It A Social Norm?1844 Words  | 8 Pagestheir similarities and differences. We have made a pastime out of juxtaposing and dissecting all that an individual ‘carries’ with them. Be it the physical, the emotional, or even the subconscious. People are consistently categorized into groups, which include social categories, gender categories, political categories and many more. People are also grouped depending on their likes and interests. Whether they prefer cats to dogs, or pop music to country music, everything has developed a label, so toRead More Dissection Alternatives Essay2540 Words  | 11 Pagesanimal use or compliments existing humane education. There are many types of alternatives available such as videos, CD-ROM activities, models, simulators, books, and interactive websites. The most commonly dissected vertebrate animals are fetal pigs, cats, and frogs, and therefore there are many alternatives available for these t hree animals. However, there are also alternatives for other animals such as sharks, rabbits, mice, snakes, minks, turtles, crayfish, clams, earthworms, starfish, and squidRead MoreDr. Seuss Of The Hat And The Lorax1790 Words  | 8 Pagesas Geisel has. From his detailed and witty political cartoons to his heart-warming children’s books, Geisel has become a household name to many with his popular holiday classic; How the Grinch Stole Christmas! and some of his best sellers, like The Cat in the Hat and The Lorax. Born in 1904, Geisel was raised by his prosperous German-American parents with his older sister in Springfield, Massachusetts. During his early adolescent years, Geisel experienced hardships and bullying which helped fuelRead More Use of International Law to Protect Human Rights1814 Words  | 8 PagesPolitical Rights11 (ICCPR), Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights12 (CESCR), Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women13 (CEDAW), Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment14 (CAT), and the Convention on the Rights of the Child15 (CRC). The 1993 World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna and the establishment of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights also evidence the strengthening of the human rights framework.16 Along with
Monday, December 9, 2019
Online Retail free essay sample
With the corporate world going more busier with greater work load and higher packages, you like jobs that are not very important for you to be done by someone else, so that you devote your time on things which are close to your heart or important for you. Shopping FMCG products like soaps, detergents, tooth paste, packed food items, shampoos, oils, kitchen products and other household products are some of them that one would like not to spend their valuable time when they have other important works to be completed. People generally know the items that they need and they have to buy it on a regular basis. It takes considerable amount of time shopping for these items in a traditional way and even with retail chains, where considerable amount of time is taken in searching for the products, billing process and product verification according to bill. To make this task simple we have come out with a concept of online selling and home delivery of products. We will write a custom essay sample on Online Retail or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Consumers have to visit our website where various products information will be available. They will be provided with a facility to buy it online in a shopping category of our website. They can directly go to this particular section and make the list of products they want to buy which are categorised according to product types available through drop down menu which they have to select and the quantity they want. The rest of the billing process will be done automatically. They only need to finally pay the final amount either online or personally when the product is delivered to them. Once the order is received from the customer the executive of that area is automatically prompted to see at the request. We will have collaboration with local retail shops who can give huge discount to us on regular basis. So once the order from a particular locality is received, the executive at our local office makes contact with the retail shop and communicates the order and gets the order to be made ready. The executive then informs the delivery boy and provides him with the duplicate of the bill which he has to get it signed from executive once the products are delivered to the customer. The retail shops meanwhile can be ready with the products. Innovation Quotient: This model is not available in this product category and more over we provide the service of home delivery. This is entirely a new concept for FMCG products which the existing business models have not been able to tap. Moreover, there exists a huge market for this kind of selling concept. Our target customers are busy people who start for work early in the morning and come late in the evening. However attracting customers from other segment would be an additional advantage. Thus our target market and the customers are entirely new concept which has not been tapped yet. With the increasing number of internet users and busy lifestyle shopping FMCG products from home would be next big thing. The Market/ Target Segment: Today, the percentage of internet users in India is 7% or about 49. 4 million. Of these 82% are from urban areas. FMCG sector in India has a market size of US $13. 1 billion which is expected to grow by 60% by 2010. This simply shows the future prospect and the opportunity of this market. The target customers are working professionals- singles or couples (where both of them are working). This concept could be applied for metro cities where the percentage of internet users is more and has the right kind of atmosphere for our business to flourish. Cities like Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, Pune , Mumbai, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Kolkata have better market for this business plan. The working professional in such market are normally busy and the traffic congestions adds to their woes which makes an opportunity for our business model to grow. Why Venture? As a business enthusiast we like to venture out on idea which would give us an opportunity to make a place in the market. As a starting firm we would not have an advantage over existing market segment or existing business. And entering in the already existing field would make it difficult for us to gain the market. However, this idea of would provide an opportunity for anyone to create a market in the chosen field- a good idea to venture on. More over this would provide an employment opportunity for others whom we plan to employ. And rather than taking job if we can give job to someone we would feel more privileged and good about actually giving creating a job for someone and an earning source for a family.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Essay Examples on HAMMURABI Essay Example
Essay Examples on HAMMURABI Paper 1st Essay Sample on HAMMURABI The formers of the Hammurabis Code of Laws surely created strict rules with severe punishments for their violation. In fact, these laws played a big role in organization of Mesopotamian society. Reading these laws, reader may learn about ideals people of Mesopotamia had about crimes, their attitude to the lower and higher social classes, and legal rights between men and women. Reading the laws I noticed that many crimes were punished by death penalty. Many laws tell that guilty person has to pay the same price for the physical harm one did to another person or ones relative (laws 196, 197, 229, 230). For instance: law 196 states: If a man put out the eye of another man, his eye shall be put out. In addition, at that time, people were penalized to death for many crimes or wrongdoings that almost never would be penalized with capital punishment at a modern time. Among such felony and misdemeanors are stealing (6, 14, 21), robbery (22), accusation (2,3), adultery (129, 130), and desertion (32, 33). Hammurabis Code also, reveals inequality between social classes. Slaves were not treated by the laws the same as free-born people. For example: In law 202 it says: If any one strike the body of a man higher in rank than he, he shall receive sixty blows with an ox-whip in public. At the same time in law 203 we read: If a free-born man strike the body of another free-born man or equal rank, he shall pay one gold mine. It will not take much effort for a free-born man to pay one gold mine for his wrongdoing, but for the slave it is much more dreadful and humiliating to receive sixty blows w ith a whip in public. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on HAMMURABI specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on HAMMURABI specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Essay Examples on HAMMURABI specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer According to the Code of Hammurabi, women had some legal rights, but these rights were not equal to mens. Married women had a right to divorce as well as men. 2nd Essay Sample on HAMMURABI In his position as king of Babylonia, Hammurabi managed to organize the worldsfirst code of law and establish Babylon as the dominant and successful Amorite City of its time.Records written on clay tablets show that Hammurabi was a very capable administrator and a successful warrior.His rule spanned from 1792 B.C. to 1750 B.C.When he became king in 1792, he was still young, but had already become entrusted with many official duties in his administration. In the early years of his reign, Hammurabi mostly participated in traditional activities, such as repairing buildings, digging canals, and fighting wars.Yet later in his rule, Hammurabi organized a unique code of laws, thefirst of its kind, therefore making himself one of the worlds most influential leaders.Hammurabi was primarily influential to the world because of his code of laws.This code consisted of 282 provisions, systematically arranged under a variety of subjects.He sorted hiss laws into groups such as family, labor persona l property, real estate, trade, and business.This was thefirst time in history that any laws had been categorized into various sections.This format of organization was emulated by civilizations of the future. For example, Semitic cultures succeeding Hammurabis rule used some of the same laws that were included in Hammurabis code. Hammurabis method of thought is evident in present day societies, which are influenced by his code.Modern governments currently create specific laws, which are placed into their appropriate family of similar laws. Hammurabi had his laws recorded upon an eight foot black stone monument.Hammurabi based on his code on principles like, the strong should not injure the weak, and that punishment should fit the crime.As for punishment, legal actions were initiated under the code by written pleadings; testimony was taken under oath.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Human Paradox essays
The Human Paradox essays Human Inconsistency: Dostoevsky's "Notes From Underground" Thesis: Dostoevsky's manic and depressive episodes aided in his ability to properly illustrate the workings of the human mind, through his writing. II. What is Manic Depression and Depression? III. Other Writers with Mental Illnesses Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, author of several acclaimed books-including "Notes From Underground"-a semi-autobiographical story, introduced a new form of writing, "stream-of-consciousness", to Russia and Europe. Soon, this form of writing that would become the mark of the Existentialist, spread to the America's. Interestingly enough, the "stream-of-consciousness" that manifested itself in his writing was actually the product of a mood disorder, which can be characterized by intensely emotional thoughts. Caught in a rift of contrasting thoughts, the Manic-Depressive-commonly endowed with superior artistic abilities, can be very insightful to the ways of man. Manic-depression can clinically be defined as a mood disorder with two contrasting states: mania and depression. There must be an occurrence of one or more Manic or Mixed episodes and often, the individual has also had one or more Major Depressive episodes in the past. In Manic-Depressive disorder, also known as Bipolar disorder, the manic and depressive episodes recur in varying degrees of intensity. The DSM-IV describes Manic and Depressive episodes as: "The essential feature is a distinct period when the predominant mood is either elevated, expansive or irritable, and when there are associated symptoms of the manic syndrome." These symptoms include hyperactivity, pressure of speech, flight of ideas, inflated self-esteem, decreased need for sleep, distractibility, and excessive involvement in activities that have a high potential for painful consequences, which are not recognized. The manual describes depressive episodes as: "The essential feature is either a dysphoric mood...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Experts Guide to the AP Calculus AB Exam
The Expert's Guide to the AP Calculus AB Exam SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you taking the AP Calculus AB exam this spring and want to be well prepared on test day?The AP Calculus AB exam in 2020 will be held on Tuesday, May 5, at 8 am. Before you sit down to take the exam, though, it’s critical that you know how the Calculus AB test is formatted, what topics it covers, and how you’ll be scored on it. This guide will go over all of that information while also showing you official sample problems and giving you tips on the best way to prepare for AP Calculus AB. The exam was updated in May 2017, sothis guide will explain what changes have been made and how they might affect your review.The AP Calculus AB exam can sometimes seem overwhelming, but we're here to break it down into clear and manageable information for you. Let’s get started! What’s the Format of the AP Calculus AB Exam? The AP Calculus AB exam is three hours and 15 minutes long and has two sections. Both of these sections are divided into two parts (based on whether or not a calculator is allowed). Multiple-Choice Section Here is an overview of the format of the AP Calculus AB multiple-choice section: 45 questions total One hour 45 minutes total Worth 50% of your total score Part A 30 questions 60 minutes No calculator allowed Part B 15 questions 45 minutes Calculator required Note that the AP Calculus AB exam has had small changes made to its format. Previously, Part A of the multiple-choice section had 28 questions, and Part B had 17 questions. Free-Response Section Here is a rundown of the format of the AP Calculus AB free-response section: Six questions total One hour 30 minutes total Worth 50% of your total score Part A Two questions 30 minutes Calculator required Part B Four questions 60 minutes No calculator allowed This can all look a little complicated, but basically, the AP Calculus AB exam consists of four parts. The first two are multiple choice, and the last two are free response. You are required to use a calculator for the middle two parts (one each for multiple choice and free response), but you may not use a calculator for the first and last parts of the exam. What Topics Does the AP Calculus AB Exam Cover? Content on the Calculus AB exam can be divided into three main topic areas, referred to by the College Board as Big Ideas.Within these three Big Ideas are more specific topics called Enduring Understandings (often abbreviated as â€Å"EU†). Each Enduring Understanding contains both Learning Objectives and Essential Knowledge that the student should have learned by the time of the exam. As I mentioned, there have been some updates to the AP Calculus AB exam. Fortunately, they’re relatively minor changes that mostly have to do with how the course framework is structured, and this will affect instructors of the course more than it will you.The only significant change to the content of the AP Calculus AB exam is that L’Hospital’s Rule will now be included on it- and students will be expected to understand and apply it. I’ve listed each of the Big Ideas and their Learning Objectives below,since these are the most relevant for students looking for what the exam covers. For the sake of length and clarity, I left out the Enduring Understandings and Essential Knowledge. If you’d like to see these, as well as more detailed information on the content covered by the exam, check out the officialAP Calculus AB Course Description. Still, know that the information below will give you a solid look at what you’re expected to know for the exam. Learning Objectives are listed below Big Ideas. These Learning Objectives are skills that students are expected to know how to do for the exam. Big Idea 1: Limits Express limits symbolically using correct notation Interpret limits expressed symbolically Estimate limits of functions Determine limits of functions Analyze functions for intervals of continuity or points of discontinuity Determine the applicability of important calculus theorems using continuity Big Idea 2: Derivatives Identify the derivative of a function as the limit of a difference quotient Estimate derivative Calculate derivatives Determine higher order derivatives Use derivatives to analyze properties of a function Recognize the connection between differentiability and continuity Interpret the meaning of a derivative within a problem Solve problems involving the slope of a tangent line Solve problems involving related rates, optimization, and rectilinear motion Solve problems involving rates of change in applied contexts Verify solutions to differential equations Estimate solutions to differential equations Apply the Mean Value Theorem to describe the behavior of a function over an interval Big Idea 3: Integrals and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Recognize antiderivatives of basic functions Interpret the definite integral as the limit of a Riemann sum Express the limit of a Riemann sum in integral notation Approximate a definite integral Calculate a definite integral using areas and properties of definite integrals Analyze functions defined by an integral Calculate antiderivatives Evaluate definite integrals Interpret the meaning of a definite integral within a problem Apply definite integrals to problems involving the average value of a function Apply definite integrals to problems involving motion Apply definite integrals to problems involving area and volume Use the definite integral to solve problems in various contexts Analyze differential equations to obtain general and specific solutions Interpret, create, and solve differential equations from problems in context AP Calculus AB Sample Questions Looking at sample questions is one of the best ways to get a feel for what the AP Calculus AB exam will be like. Here arefour sample questions, one from each part of the AP exam.Each of these questions was taken from the official AP Calculus AB Course Description, which you can look at for more complete answer explanations and additional sample problems. Multiple Choice (No Calculator) This question tests your ability to calculate derivatives. You'll need to use the chain rule to differentiate composite functions. The correct answer to this problem is B. Multiple Choice (Calculator Allowed) This question tests your ability to solve problems with rapid rates of change. You'll have to find the derivative in order to findthe rate of change of the temperature of the water. The correct answer is B. Free Response (Calculator Allowed) This question tests your knowledge of integrals. Parts A, B, and C are each worth 3 points. Free Response (No Calculator) This question tests your knowledge of multiple topics, including derivatives and integrals. You can receive up to 1 point for part A, 2 points for part B, and 3 points each for parts C and D. How Is the AP Calculus AB Exam Scored? As mentioned, the multiple-choice section and the free-response section are each worth 50% of your total exam score. For the multiple-choice section, you earn 1 point for each question you answer correctly. No points are deducted for incorrect answers, so you should answer every question! You can earn up to 45 points for this section. For the free-response section, each of the six questions is worth 9 points, so you can earn up to 54 points. Different parts of each question can beworth a different amount of points (for example, on one question you may be able to earn up to 1 point for part A, 3 points for part B, 3 points for part C, and 2 points for part D). After your points are added up for each of your sections, your AP Calculus AB score is converted to the standard AP scoring scale of 1-5.The exact formula for doing this can change slightly from year to year. However, in 2008, the process for converting raw AP scores to scaled scores involved multiplying the number of multiple-choice questions you answered correctly by 1.2272,and then adding that number to the points you received on the free-response section. This valueis rounded to the nearest whole number and becomes your composite score. Each AP score (from 1-5) corresponds to a range of composite scores. Below,you can see the conversion chart and score distributions for test takers from the 2018 Calculus AB exam: Composite Score Range AP Score % of Students Who Got Score 0-26 1 20.0% 27-38 2 22.4% 39-51 3 21.0% 52-67 4 17.3% 68-108 5 19.4% Source: The College Board 3 Tips for Preparing for the AP Calculus AB Exam Studying for the AP Calculus AB exam can be tough. Use these three tips to make your studying more effective and increase your chances of getting a great score. Tip 1: Memorize Important Formulas There are certain formulas for AP Calculus AB that you should have down pat.There's no formula sheet given on the AP exam, so you’ll have to memorize the formulas you'll need. Many teachers give out formula sheets for students to memorize. There are also various formula cheat sheets you can use to review before the exam. To find these, simply Google â€Å"AP Calculus AB formula sheet†and look at your options. In general, any formula you use regularly in class is a good one to memorize.Major formulas you should have memorized include those for limits, differentiation, and integration, as well as the fundamental theorems. Tip 2: Know How to Use Your Calculator You’re allowed to use your calculator for two of the four exam parts, and most of the questions in these two sections will be difficult, if not impossible, to solve without a graphing calculator. While it might seem obvious that you should know how to work your calculator, knowing exactly how and when to use its different functions can save you a lot of time on the exam and increase your chances of getting the correct answer. According to the College Board, the four calculator capabilities you’ll use the most during the AP Calculus AB exam and should easily be able to do with your calculator are as follows: Plot the graph of a function within an arbitrary viewing window Find the zeros of functions (solve equations numerically) Numerically calculate the derivative of a function Numerically calculate the value of a definite integral When you’re preparing for the exam, be sure that you know how to do each of these (completing practice problems can help!). Tip 3: Get Used to Showing All Your Work For most free-response questions on the AP Calculus AB test, the final answer to a problem is only worth 1-2 points out of a possible 9.This means that the majority of points are earned through intermediate steps of the problem- and if you don’t show how you reached those intermediate steps, you won’t get a high score on this section. Even if you get a correct answer by using your calculator, you have to write the setup (such as the equation being solved or the derivative being evaluated) as well as the answer in order to get credit for your work. You might be used to not writing down certain work that seems particularly obvious on homework and class tests. However, even if your teacher doesn’t mind, AP graders will. Remember that APgraders are more interested in how you reached your final answer than they are in what that final answer is, so get yourself in the habit of showing each step of your work well before exam time. Conclusion: What to Know About the AP Calculus AB Exam The AP Calculus AB exam can be intimidating if you don’t know what to expect.Knowing how the exam will be formatted and what types of questions it will ask can go a long way toward helping you feel more prepared and confident on test day. The exam has two sections, multiple-choice and free-response, which are each divided into two parts, based on whether or not you may use a calculator.Each of these sections is worth 50% of your total AP score. The exam itself covers three main topics: Limits Derivatives Integrals and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus In order to prepare for the AP Calculus AB exam in the best way, keep these three tips in mind during your review: Memorize important formulas Know how to use your calculator Get used to showing all your work What's Next? Now that you know what the AP Calculus AB exam covers, the next step is to practice!Read our guide to getlinks toevery Calculus AB practice test available online. Wondering how challenging other AP classes are? Learn what the easiest AP classesareand what the hardest AP classes are so that you know exactly what to expect! Not surewhich other math classes you should take? Math is often the trickiest school subject to choose classes for, but our guide will help you figure out exactly which math classes to take for each year of high school. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Characteristics of Early Christianity Movements Essay
Characteristics of Early Christianity Movements - Essay Example He and his disciples lived an eremitical life, one of the primary types of monasticism. As part of living the eretical life, St Anthony and his followers vowed living in austerity far away from the world. They commit themselves in answering the needs of the soul over the body by prioritizing activities that nourish the soul instead of the physical needs. (Bacchus) According to Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, St Anthony, who adhered to eremitical monasticism, fearlessly battled myriad temptations of the devil. In this regard, his disciples were enjoined to center their prayers on seeking the Lord's guidance through constant prayers to win over the evil one and learning the discipline of discerning spirits to recognize deceitful ways to sin. (Schaff & Wace) Another type of monasticism that characterized the early Christian movement is the cenobitical life. This type of monasticism was revived by St Benedict, who composed a new set of rules. From these rules, it could be observed that St Benedict's viewpoint does not involve extraordinary asceticism and narrow mindedness. As such, these sober regulations were based on common sense with emphasis on collectivism instead of individualism. Cenobitic monasticism also emphasized family spirit and discouraged all private ventures.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
How to deal with an angry customer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
How to deal with an angry customer - Essay Example Tell the customer that there are solutions and the company can resolve any problems they are having. There needs to be a statement such as finding the root of the problem and looking toward potential solutions. For instance, if a customer has a broken item, they can come back to the store and replace it or can receive a refund. If it is a service, such as a programming problem with the computer, then using resources the company has to fix the problem, such as troubleshooting, can also be used. (Leadership Tools, 1). After the customer has left, a follow through should be approached. A call or note to make sure the problem is resolved should always be looked into. If it isn’t resolved, find another company solution to provide assistance. If everything is resolved, there should be another follow through to make sure everything is correct while asking the customer if they are satisfied with the solution and service that has been offered (Business Opportunities, 1). Business Opportunities. â€Å"How to Deal with Angry Customers.†Business Opportunities and Ideas. Retrieved from:,
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The video game console wars Essay Example for Free
The video game console wars Essay 1. Compare and contrast Nintendo’s marketing strategy for the Wii with Sony’s strategy for PS3. By the end of 2006, two game console industry giants, Nintendo and Sony had launched their respective new products; the Wii and PS3. Various marketing strategies were implemented by both rivals and this writing attempt to analyse common and differing elements. Similarly, both companies had a product differentiation strategy, with the aim of being distinctly set apart from their competitors by the viewing market. However, different elements of this strategy were focused on by the firms. For instance, Nintendo differentiated via product form and design. Instead of the traditional controller where buttons are pressed, the Wii had a wireless motion-sensitive controller, which recognises the player’s arm movements. Thus, actions such as golfing, tennis and even dancing can be detected by the game. It is assumed that the rationale behind this is the fact that â€Å"new things and ways of doing things†always grab attention, whether good or bad. Thus, Nintendo’s aim would have been to gain the market’s attention and then convince them positively about the Wii. Conversely, Sony attempted to differentiate through performance quality. Heavy investment was made on a new processing chip and a laser diode, which would rev up the speed drastically and offer superior graphics quality. The video gaming industry prides itself on graphics; hence differentiating in this area may significantly increase demand. One believes however, that Nintendo’s product differentiation strategy had a stronger impact than Sony’s. This is because Sony followed the industry norm, of each new generation of machines being faster and more powerful than the preceding generation, as the case states. Thus, the market was already expecting the enhanced features, compared to the curiosity of a completely new game design by the Wii. With reference to the Ansoff Matrix framework, Nintendo implemented a marketing diversification strategy, whereby they offered a new product to new markets (in terms of untouched customer segments). Nintendo’s designers, according to the case, deliberately developed a machine that is simpler to use, since the complexity of current games appeal only to advance gamers. This thus, would allow market reach to a broader demographic of new segments, thereby beginning to challenge Sony’s market share dominance. For instance, males and female above and below the common age bracket of video game players may now demand the Wii. On the other hand, Sony implemented a product development strategy, by launching a new product in their existing market segment of customers, as the Ansoff theory advocates. Hence, Sony’s PS3 targeted their current customer segment for the PS2. A marketing strategy of Sony may have been to have first mover advantage, by launching in November 2006 in the United States before the Wii. Most studies indicate that the market pioneer gains the greatest advantage, however sometimes it can be risky and expensive. In Sony’s case, they would have easily been able to capitalise on the fans of the playstation and PS2 and new customers entering that market. Their downfall however was inadequate launch preparation and planning with regards to their diode technology, as mass production issues caused shortages. Thus, achieving the Christmas season’s full revenue potential was lost. Even though Nintendo was the second mover launching a month after in December, they had an international marketing launch strategy being executed. They made the Wii available in the United States, the Eurozone and United Kingdom. As a result, the benefits of being the first mover would have been gained in the Eurozone and United Kingdom. It is noted that Sony launched the PS3 four months after in Europe. Being the second to enter that market, Sony may have researched any problems Nintendo may have encountered and adjusted accordingly, for a smoother launch. Nintendo appears to have implemented a market-penetration pricing strategy. The Wii at a cost of $250 is 50% less than the 20-gigabyte PS3 (smaller hard drive machine). At this lower price, it is easier for the product to penetrate the market due to affordability in most segments. This aligns with the assumed company’s aim of maximising market share in the current and new segments. To achieve this, Nintendo ensured that the Wii was less costly to manufacture. Moreover, a higher sales volume may lead to lower unit costs and higher long run profits. Conversely, Sony is believed to have a market-skimming pricing strategy. The company invested $2 billion in technology, so this strategy aims at recovering the maximum amount of revenue to cover the high costs incurred in the early stages of the product life cycle. Additionally, Sony has a strong brand due to the success of their previous machines (PS2 and playstation) and the high price assists in communicating the image of a superior product with quality. 2. What is the key to the Wii’s popularity? The key facet responsible for the Wii’s popularity lies in the innovative design, which â€Å"calls to action†the player with physical movement. The writer views the wireless motion sensitive game console as a new, simple and fun method of gaming for all age groups. As a result, it may appeal not only to the traditional expert video game player like the PS3, but other individuals outside that segment. It thus makes marketing sense, if Nintendo promoted the game as a family requirement for cultivating an enjoyable, quality family time with members. It seems also a great game for various informal social events. Furthermore, since different types of games can be played, the Wii has the potential to appeal to a vast number of different market segments. For instance, The Wii Fit is an exercising game, where aerobics, yoga and other body strengthening activities can be done. Thus, the Wii Fit may have been positioned as a convenient way of losing or maintaining your weight, as it can be done in the comfort of one’s home and a more enjoyable method compared to simply following an instructor on a DVD. Likewise, sports fanatics may gravitate towards the Wii sports for the games of their interest. There also is the possibility of the Wii being used for rehabilitation after a stroke or injury, due to it body strengthen capabilities. It must be noted, that Nintendo’s international marketing strategy of launching in three distinct major areas, was a contributing factor towards the quick popularity gained. The areas were the United States, the Eurozone and the United Kingdom. This means that great strategic marketing focus had to be made on the different areas, to accommodate international cultural differences and legalities. As a result, Nintendo may have had to implement global product strategies for market adaptation in areas such as price, sales promotion, colours, labelling and advertising execution, to name a few. 3. Do you agree with Sony’s decision to incorporate a Blu-ray DVD player in the PS3. The writer agrees with the decision to incorporate a Blu-ray DVD player in the PS3. Firstly, Sony is considered one of the market leaders in the consumer electric industry; where the brand is known for high quality and advance technology. Since the consumer market started demanding more high definition TVs and viewing of DVD’s in high definition, it made good marketing sense to satisfy that need for high definition imagery in the video games, which ultimately reinforced the company’s brand. A â€Å"spin off†from this implementation of Blu-ray, is that the PS3 can actually be used by consumers to watch Blu-ray DVD movies, for those who may not own a Blu-ray DVD player. Thus, the value of the PS3 may increase, due to more product uses than the main function. Secondly, it was wise for Sony to include the Blu-ray DVD player in the PS3, due to their current product range developments. Sony had already launched the Blu-ray video format in their DVD players, thus the inclusion in the PS3 was a commendable and necessary marketing move, in order to keep as many products in the range up to date with the latest technological advancements. More importantly, this was a medium to push and promote the adoption of the Blu-ray in the market, reflecting strong strategic planning for profit maximisation. The draw back to the implementation however, was the issue of mass-production difficulties of the diode for the Blu-ray, resulting in shortages for the U. S holiday launch, as the case explains. Thus, it is assumed that there was a deficiency in proper operational planning and execution. This can be a critical concern with new product planning, since shortages can greatly impact forecasted revenue streams and significant opportunities may be lost. In Sony’s situation, the launch was around the Christmas season, where many PS3s may have been gift considerations and individuals generally spend more on commodities at this time, due to Christmas bonuses and advances. Thus, Sony would not have been able to capitalise on this, due to low supply of machines. In the final analysis however, if Sony had anticipated any production issues to cause marginal temporary shortages at the launch, one is of the opinion that this is not drastic a problem enough, to decide forgoing the implementation of the Blu-ray. This is because consideration is given to the return on investment with the Blu-ray inclusion and the technological drive in the industry at large. The Blu-ray would have generated greater demand than the HD-DVD and take longer to become obsolete, thus having an extended life-span. 4. Some industry observers have noted that the battle between HD-DVD and Blu-ray is reminiscent of the showdown between Beta and VHS videocassette formats in the 1970s. What was the outcome? The videocassette showdown between Beta and VHS in the 1970’s mainly was a clear example of â€Å"listening and responding†to what the market wants. It began when Sony produced Bata, a video standard which had a recording time of 60 minutes. Almost one year later, JVC launched the VHS, which is another video standard that had a recording time of 120 minutes. The two videocassettes were different in size and completely incompatible. The VHS was cheaper than Beta; however the longer the recording time resulted in a degraded quality of image. The market nevertheless, wanted a longer recording time, which allowed for longer movies and football matched to be recorded. Sony held their end for more years supplying the more upscale market with the 60 minute high quality videocassettes, but eventually in the mid 80’s they had to offer videocassettes with a longer recording time to remain competitive. By then however it was too late and VHS already held dominance in the market. VHS won the battle and in 2002 the last Beta machine was produced. Sony’s mistake was not listening to what the market wants and not willing to compromise the quality to satisfy the market. The battle between HD-DVD and Blu-ray is quite similar, however this time Sony is not the defender, but the challenger. To forecast who the winner may be, the same underlying factor exists, regarding listening to the market and responding. The case explains of the continuous electronic industry’s upgrade towards high definition TVs and DVD movies. Thus, one can assume that consumers want a player which provides the greatest quality of high definition. A common element between HD-DVD and Blu-ray is that they have 1080 lines of resolution (the highest quality video playback possible) on their widescreen HDTV set, as the case shows. Thus, consumers are going to look for other factors which can determine which player provides better quality. Firstly, the fact that Sony’s Blu-ray technology is incompatible with Toshiba (assuming other rival products as well) and can only be used on Sony products, signals that Sony is trying to maintain a type of niche market, which in essence aims at guaranteeing that using Blu-ray technology on Sony products will produce the best quality. This is similar to what Apple does with their range of products. Secondly, over the years Sony has positioned and built their brand to represent â€Å"high quality†and thus brand loyalty is strong among customers in the electronic industry. Lastly, price sends market signals and the common understanding is that high price tends to reflect high quality. The case states that Sony BDP-S1 and S300 cost $999. 99 and $600 respectively, compared to Toshiba’s models ranging from $399. 99 to $799. 99. Thus the higher price of Sony can be assumed to have better quality. Conclusively, HD-DVD and Blu-ray battle is almost mirrored in Beta and VHS rivalry. VHS won the battle since they satisfied the market’s demand for longer recording time with the videocassette. With HD-DVD and Blu-ray, the market is assumed to want high quality on their high definition widescreen HDTVs. The writer believes that Sony with their Blu-ray technology would win the battle, given that they can reflect a better level of quality over Toshiba, through â€Å"non-1080 lines of resolution†factors. CITATION Czinkota, Michael, and Ilkka Ronkainen. International Marketing . Thomson South-Western, 2007. Harvey, Nathan, and Louise Ada. 2012. Suitability of Nintendo Wii Balance Board for rehabilitation of standing after stroke. Physical Therapy Reviews 17, no. 5: 311-321 Kotler, Philip, and Kevin Keller. Marketing Management. Pearson Education Limited, 2012.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Disregard for Plant Life in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Lost World :: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Lost World Essays
Disregard for Plant Life in The Lost World Throughout The Lost World, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle continually portrayed his characters both revering and yet mistreating the beautiful foliage around them. It was a rather strange combination of attitudes: people usually have treated the things they revere quite well, but Doyle did combine these attitudes in this writing. Â Take the example as the group was traveling down the river. During the trip "our two professors watched every bird upon the wing, and every shrub upon the bank" (74). They even used an Assai palm as a landmark so they could find their way back to Maple White Land (75), but what did the plant life get for a thanks? "We drew them up [the canoes] and concealed them among the bushes [probably breaking quite a few branches], blazing a tree with our axes, so that we should find them again" (77). Â This was typical of the treatment plant life received all throughout the book. It was simply thought of as a resource and not as a living entity. It was noted for its beauty, but scarred or killed the instant one felt the need. Â There was a much better example of this sort of treatment. To get onto the impregnable Maple White Land plateau there was a lone beech tree, a native to England but not to South America, on top of a pinnacle reasonably close to the plateau. Once the pinnacle was climbed, they cut down that "fellow-countryman in a far off land" (98) to use it as a bridge into Maple White Land. Â I cut gashes in the sides of the tree as would ensure that it would fall as we desired. . . . Finally I set to work in earnest upon the trunk, taking turn and turn with Lord John. In a little over an hour there was a loud crack, the tree swayed forward, and then crashed over, burying its branches among the bushes on the farther side. The severed trunk rolled to the very edge of our platform . . . and there was our bridge to the unknown. (99) Â A lone beech tree, rare enough in South America, growing out of the top of a pinnacle was quite an unusual sight and a miracle of nature, but the instant it was deemed useful in some minor way, it was forced to give up its life for the sake of exploration, with no remorse for the request.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Children’s Television Essay
Over the past three months I have been studying children’s television programmes to find out about what influences they have over children’s behaviour, the types of shows that are on offer and why children opt to watch them. I picked three key questions based on what I thought would get the best reactions and results and the most frequently asked problems such as the amount of violence children see on TV. I used various different methods of searching for information which included surfing the Internet, emailing relevant people, setting up focus groups and interviewing people who have an appropriate opinion on this subject, e. g. parents. I broke my research up into three categories, primary, secondary and tertiary this allowed me to organise myself and also to get opinions as well as facts. My primary research consisted of interviewing people such as parents to find out their opinions on certain aspects of this subject. I have planned to interview a media teacher who is also a parent because she will have factual information and first hand experience. My second interviewee will be a single father of four young children, each child is in one of my aimed target groups so this will help when finding out why his children chose to watch what they do and why they enjoy it. I will also visit schools to interview children, first hand about their opinions on certain programmes and find out why they watch them. This will be very helpful when answering my second key question. To gather more information I will be conducting a set of focus groups, each will consists of five to six people who I will be directing questions at for them to discuss among themselves. I will be recording the discussion so I can referee to it later on, this will allow me to use quotes and pick out relevant information. I have produced a questionnaire that consists of 15 questions that I will be handing out to members of each of my focus groups. This is also part of my primary research and allows me to refer back and can be used as evidence when trying to make a point for one of my key questions. The only piece of primary research I have conducted thus far is to try and contact some of the industries producers and writers to find out some factual information about different shows. Whilst searching the Internet I located the BBC website, www. BBC. co. uk this was a big help as I found a link to the teletubbies website which then led me to find one of the writers email addresses. I emailed Will Brenton with an explanation of what I hoped to achieve from his knowledge and set him a few simple questions, I have yet to receive a reply but do frequently check my email. I am also hoping to get in contact with a producer or director for the BBC to find out about scheduling, I have yet to find the relevant address. My secondary research consisted mostly of searching through countless amounts of websites to try and pick out related information, I found this extremely frustrating as I had to search for hours at a time to find anything that would help me. I made a list of which websites were useful and visited them regularly for updates; www. turnoffyourtv. com, www. limittv. org and www. familyresources. com/parenting. Once I had collected enough information I began sifting through it and highlighting the most interesting parts. Whilst looking on the Internet I managed to determine what shows were on offer and which were the most popular, from this I chose three main programmes to focus on, all of which were aimed at different ages but for both sexes. Another reason why I chose them was because they had received the best ratings over any other TV show for the same age group and were also on the same channel, this made it easier to access information.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Olaudah Equiano’s the Interesting Narrative Essay
Olaudah Equiano’s The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African, Written by Himself, is the story of the eponymous real-life character, Olaudah Equiano, his life, trials, tribulations and journey from slavery at an early age to freedom. For Equiano, it seems that slavery is almost a metaphysical phenomenon. His entire life is essentially characterized by the different experiences relating slavery, from Africa to the Middle Passage to plantation life in the West Indies and United States. Equiano’s views on slavery are tough to articulate and truly complex. Throughout the novel he makes reference to different ‘degrees of slavery,’ at times condemning the practice, and at other times contradicting himself and seemingly lauding it. I believe that his conflicting views are products of his first hand experience with nearly all aspects of the practice, and near the end of the novel it is clear that he is in favor of ending slavery. See more: what is a narrative essay Although he was kidnapped at the age of eleven, Equiano’s familiarity with slavery actually begins long before that. Born in a region that is today known as Nigeria. His father a chief, (and ironically himself would eventually reach the same status if not for his kidnapping years later), Equiano’s family was considered ‘upper-class,’ and thus owned their own number of slaves. I believe that this is the beginning and serves as the basis of which he compares the slavery he experiences later in his lifetime to, and also what may serve as the beginning of his conflicting emotion towards the practice in general. He makes note that slaves in this community, while under the direction of a master and with clear distinction of a ‘lesser importance,’ are still treated in a humane way. On his own account, these slaves do a comparable amount of work to that of other members of the community. When put into perspective, with no knowledge of what’s to come (in regards to subsequent experiences in different aspects and degrees of slavery) at this point it is easy to see why Equiano has not yet condemned the idea or practice of slavery. Shortly thereafter, Equiano is kidnapped (along with his sister, though the two are eventually separated), He narrates being taken on a long, arduous voyage through a variety of African regions, during which he had â€Å"often changed masters.†He is first sold across Africa, first to a chieftain, and shortly after to a widow. After which, he is ultimately sold to the owner of a ship destined for the West Indies. Equiano dubs this Atlantic voyage himself â€Å"The Middle Passage,†and this is where I believe his journey truly begins. Equiano elaborates on his introduction and subsequent alienation to the European culture and their treatment of slaves. He details the substandard living conditions and destitution of living aboard the slave ship, and being a stark contrast to the concept of slavery he knew back in Africa, I believe this is the defining moment where his viewpoint regarding slavery is partitioned. I think it’s important to note that when Equiano is enslaved by fellow Africans, he makes note of the strong contrasts and class distinctions between himself and them. He makes direct comparisons between himself and the class he hails from, and these other Africans, going as far as to call them â€Å"barbaric†and â€Å"uncivilized.†I believe that this is worth noting, because it’s almost paradoxical how he is very quick to condemn these people and their form of slavery, while at the same time not criticizing the slavery that took place in his own village when he was a child. Though not yet acknowledging it, I believe that this is when he begins to form his own ‘tiers’ of the practice of slavery. After arriving at the West Indies and experiencing the sale of slaves firsthand, Equiano continues along with the slave ship to North America, and ultimately purchased by a naval captain, Michael Pascal to work in Virginia. Again he is subjected to cruel treatment inside the slaveholders’ homes. This is, I believe, the turning point that eventually leads to Equiano’s final resolution. He details being shocked and hurt to the point where he tries to wash the color of his skin off his face. While travelling the seas with Pascal, Equiano has many more encounters in and with Britain. With more and more exposure to Christianity and European culture, he details that he was no longer frightened and apprehensive towards it, beginning to show confluence of African and European cultures. He was eventually sent to school in Britain, educated and shortly after, baptized. It is worth noting that later in the novel he often relates his new religious standpoint to his enslavement. While becoming a Christian himself, whether or not he holds responsible God, himself, or the hypocritical Christian Europeans for his enslavement is left ambiguous. Ultimately, (and after brief stints of being purchased by other masters) Equiano is sold to Robert King. Educated and under the direction of a master treating him relatively fair, Equiano here observes another facet of slavery. He is further educated and directed along the path of Christianity, which I believe further adds more conflicting emotion, due to it being comparable to his original notion of slavery from his childhood. While working for King on shipping routes, he determines himself to save some money on the side, in order to buy his freedom from King. Interesting to note though, in the novel he explicitly states that he would like to return to Old England, not Africa. While I think this is further evidence of his confluence of English and African cultures, I believe that this is also the beginning of his plea against the practice of slavery, as later in the novel we find out that he does indeed buy his freedom, and much later returns to London and become involved in the abolitionist movement. In conclusion, it is clear to see that in the mind of Equiano, slavery is not simple a one-sided condemnation. From birth until freedom, he has lived and experienced all aspects of slavery, from his family owning slaves to being purchased himself. It’s an interesting and unique point of view that few (if any more) people who were involved in the practice of slavery experienced themselves. In the end, I think it is clear to the reader that Equiano is against the notion of slavery, but I believe that’s a conclusion he came to because of personal experience along with education and indulgement of European culture. While I don’t believe he accepts the practice of slavery, I believe that he accepts slavery as part of how he defines of himself, almost as if slavery could not be abolished were it not conceived in the first place.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Demographic Information Essays (174 words) - Educational Psychology
Demographic Information Essays (174 words) - Educational Psychology Demographic Information Setting Denver Academy Students Observed Michael (Aspergers Syndrome), Paul (ADHD), Emmy (ADD), Terrence (ADD) Disabilities Observed Aspergers Syndrome, ADHD, ADD, ADD Activities Observed At the Denver Academy they use a method called: BLIS Body- Natural Intelligence (for the athletes and dancers). Logical- Linguistic and Quantitative (for the mathematicians). Interpersonal- (for the extroverts). Spatial- (for artists, musicians and performers). The teacher also uses a ball to pass to the student that was speaking at the time. Reflection Professionals Role The professionals role as a teacher is to differentiate instruction in a way that benefits all students. This means you are flexible in how you teach. Students have options in how they take in your instruction. Remember learning profiles, establish goals and expectations and tasks, share goals with students, and be creative. Insight Gained The teachers are asking How are you smart? instead of How smart are you? We cant control students traits of: Readiness, Interests, Learning Profile and Affect. By focusing on what we can control is how we can help influence them. Understand a students diagnosis and then rewrite it.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Learn 10 Facts About Sendai, Japan
Learn 10 Facts About Sendai, Japan Sendai is a city located in the Miyagi Prefecture of Japan. It is the capital and largest city of that prefecture, and it is the largest city in Japans Tohoku Region. As of 2008, the city had a total population of over one million spread over an area of 304 square miles (788 sq km). Sendai is an old city - it was founded in 1600 and its known for its green spaces. As such it is called The City of Trees.On March 11, 2011, however, Japan was struck by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake that was centered in the ocean just 80 miles (130 km) east of Sendai. The earthquake was so powerful that it caused a massive tsunami to hit Sendai and surrounding regions. The tsunami devastated the citys coast and the earthquake caused severe damage in other areas of the city and killed and/or displaced thousands of people in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture and neighboring areas (image). The earthquake was considered to have been one of the five strongest since 1900 and it is believed that the main island of Japan (on which Sendai is located) moved eight feet (2.4 m) due to the earthquake. Geographic Facts About Sendai The following is a list of ten geographic facts to know about Sendai:1) It is believed that the area of Sendai has been inhabited for thousands of years, however, the city was not founded until 1600 when Date Masamune, a powerful landlord and samurai, relocated to the region and formed the city. In December of that year, Masamune ordered that the Sendai Castle be constructed in the citys center. In 1601 he developed grid plans for the construction of the town of Sendai.2) Sendai became an incorporated city on April 1, 1889, with an area of seven square miles (17.5 sq km) and a population of 86,000 people. Sendai quickly grew in population and in 1928 and 1988 it grew in area as a result of seven different annexations of nearby land. On April 1, 1989, Sendai became a designated city. These are Japanese cities with populations of over 500,000. They are designated by the cabinet of Japan and they are given the same responsibilities and jurisdictions as the prefecture level.3) In its ear ly history, Sendai was known as one of Japans greenest cities as it had a large amount of open space as well as a variety of trees and plants. However, during World War II, air raids destroyed many of these lands. As a result of its green history, Sendai has become known as the City of Trees and prior to the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, its residents were urged to plant trees and other greenery at their homes.4) As of 2008, Sendais population was 1,031,704 and it had a population density of 3,380 people per square mile (1,305 people per sq km). Most of the citys population is clustered in urban areas. 5) Sendai is the capital and largest city of the Miyagi Prefecture and it is divided into five different wards (a subdivision of Japanese designated cities). These wards are Aoba, Izumi, Miyagino, Taihaku, and Wakabayashi. Aoba is the administrative center of Sendai and Miyagi Prefecture and as such, many government offices are located there. 6) Because there are many government offices in Sendai, much of its economy is based on government jobs. In addition, its economy is heavily focused on retail and the service sector. The city is also considered to be the center of the economy in the Tohoku region. 7) Sendai is located on the northern part of Japans main island, Honshu. It has a latitude of 38˚1605 N and a longitude of 140˚5211 E. It has coastlines along the Pacific Ocean and stretches to the Ou Mountains inland. Because of this, Sendai has a varied topography that consists of relatively flat coastal plains in the east, a hilly center and mountainous areas along its western borders. The highest point in Sendai is Mount Funagata at 4,921 feet (1,500 m). In addition, the Hirose River flows through the city and it is known for its clean waters and natural environment. 8) The area of Sendai is geologically active and most of the mountains on its western borders are dormant volcanoes. There are however a number of active hot springs in the city and large earthquakes are not uncommon off of the citys coast due to its location near the Japan Trench - a subduction zone where the Pacific and North American plates meet. In 2005 a magnitude 7.2 earthquake occurred about 65 miles (105 km) from Sendai and most recently the massive 9.0 earthquake struck 80 miles (130 km) from the city. 9) Sendais climate is considered humid subtropical and it has warm, wet summers and cold, dry winters. Most of Sendais precipitation occurs in the summer but it does get some snow in the winter. Sendais average January low temperature is 28˚F (-2˚C) and its average August high temperature is 82˚F (28˚C). 10) Sendai is considered a cultural center and it is home to many different festivals. The most famous of these is the Sendai Tanabata, a Japanese star festival. It is the largest such festival in Japan. Sendai is also known as being the origin for several different Japanese food dishes and for its specialty crafts. To learn more about Sendai, visit its page on the Japan National Tourism Organizations website and the citys official website.Sources:Japan National Tourism Organization. (n.d.). Japan National Tourism Organization - Find a Location - Miyagi - Sendai. Sendai - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. City Designated by Government Ordinance - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
External analysis of Logoplaste Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
External analysis of Logoplaste - Essay Example Logoplaste exists in a highly competitive market and faces stiff competition from Alpla-Werke, Amcor, Graham Packaging, and Plastipak. Amcor, an Australian packaging giant, is the largest player in the plastic manufacturing industry and packaging business. Alpla-Werke has a large market base in Europe and Latin America, which holds half of its manufacturing plants ((Alcacer and Leitao, 2013, 8). The company seeks to consolidate its place in the fast-growing Asian market. Graham packaging uses manufacturing processes and technologies to produce plastic containers from various resins. It has its presence in North America, Latin America, and Europe. Plastipak is an American company with several plants in America and Europe and has been a lead supplier for Pepsi. All the companies are great competitors and are currently competing for the Asian market. Logoplaste has a loyal customer base owing to its beneficial relationship with customers. Its main customers are fast-moving consumer goods such as Coca-Cola and P&G. Innovative packing attracts positive customer attention, and this is an important factor in the challenging retail market. Logoplaste are forced to expand internationally owing to the presence of their customers globally (Alcacer and Leitao, 2013, 3). They ventured into the Asia Pacific region, and started up a new production unit for P&G in Kuantan, Malaysia to produce packaging for domestic
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Research paper on any controversy of an book author
On any controversy of an book author - Research Paper Example His works was dismissed by feminists, who believed that Hemingway’s tone was quite condescending and associated extremely foul traits with women. His hatred for women is understandable as throughout his life, he never had a stable relationship with the opposite sex that in turn led him to create some extremely controversial stories about women and the dynamics of marriage. When Hemingway was conscripted in the American army during the World War I, he fell in love with a nurse when he was admitted into a hospital after sustaining some heavy injuries on the battlefield. The said nurse’s name was Agnes and Hemingway was clearly infatuated with her. The two shared a short-lived romance and even made plans of marriage but Hemingway was left heartbroken when Agnes deemed her Italian fiance a better match for her than Hemingway. However, this was just the tip of the ice berg. Hemmingway’s misogynistic attitude roots back to his childhood and the conflict between him and his mother caused him to hold several grudges against women and these thoughts were often projected on to the male protagonists of his stories. Hemingway has said to have shown great hatred towards his mother on several occasions, who was an opera singer by profession. It is a documented fact that Hemingway referred to his mother as ‘That bitch’, he was weary of her mother’s domineering nature and despised her immensely for it. He believed that her mother not only emasculated his father, but also tried to emasculate him by not adhering to the gender roles and further inciting incestuous conflicts between his sister, Marceline and him (Jung, 2010). His childhood can be described as being quite turbulent for it was filled with her parents bickering and his mother eventually overpowering his father. He believed that his father’s masculinity was suppressed by his mother’s over-demanding nature and from then on Hemingway not only frowned upon marriage b ut began to believe that women were the biggest source of conflicts in a man’s life. He held them responsible for triggering identity problems in men and it can be rightly assumed that Hemingway too began questioning his identity because of his mother and sister. His tumultuous relationship with his mother was ostensible after some the letters that he exchanged with his mother became public and he openly passed derogatory remarks about her. Of course, every controversy has a story behind it and so travelling back into Hemingway’s childhood, one can easily see how the controversy was spurred into action. Back in the 19th century it was common for families to dress their males in feminine clothing. Therefore, so like every other young boy living in the late 19th century Hemingway was dressed in feminine clothes since birth. It was the set norm, but later on his mother, Grace, took it a step further and began dressing Hemingway and his sister, up in similar dresses, shoes , and even gave them the same hairstyles. She became intensely obsessive over making the two siblings look like twins. She went through great measures into keeping her fantasy alive. For example she made them sleep on the same bed; they were given the same toys, and such. Grace coupled the two up so much just so she could be happy in her fantasy world; she played with her children like dolls and often treated them heartlessly. The woman eventually cultivated
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
What are your top 5 strengths Describe the results from this exercise Essay
What are your top 5 strengths Describe the results from this exercise. Was this exercise beneficial to you Why, or why not Remember to cite any sources used, including the textbook - Essay Example In the world, there is no law of fairness. Considering self control, this is the ability to do things without force from other parties (Nancy, 2010, p.23). The ability to have self control comes when one has the freedom to make choices thus, the right decision, lies with the person. In the exercise, the level of self control was high because I did not need anyone so as to do the right thing. Integrity, this the personal aspect where a personal has honesty in the things that one does. In the exercise, the level of integrity was rather wanting because honesty is a self driven aspect that only the individual can put to themselves. Considering humor, this is the ability to enjoy the fun from another person, where the person likes what the other person is trying to point out. In the exercise, the level of humor was high (Nancy, 2010, p. 34). The exercise was of no benefit because there was little emphasize on the strengths that an individual has. The exercise was not elaborate thus the strengths remain the same after the exercise. The exercise would be successful if there were activities to increase the strengths in a person in consideration (Nancy, 2010,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Liberation tigers of tamil eelam
Liberation tigers of tamil eelam The opposition group, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) recruited and used child soldiers throughout the 25-year armed conflict with Sri Lankan government forces. The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) was accused of recruiting and using the child soldiers as front-line troops. The recruiters of children under the age of 18 are mainly rebels of LTTE and the Karuna group, a break-away faction of LTTE working with Sri Lanka Forces. Forced recruitment of children under 18 escalated in the final months of hostilities during the conflict in 2008. (2009) noted that children were used to perform a range of duties such as digging bunkers at the front line and to collect weapons from killed cadres and Sri Lankan Army (SLA) soldiers. Children were also among the tens of thousands of civilians forced to flee fighting since mid-2008 and were sent to military-run Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps deprived of liberty and freedom in the north of the country. In the east of the country, even in IDP camps, children were still at risk of recruitment and abduction. (2009) stated that LTTE obtained lists of IDPs from a village officer and they used it to identify families with children for recruitment. Families attempted to conceal the children for the fear of their children being recruited as child soldiers but the LTTE cadres would return at night to search the houses for children. In the past, some families paid off the LTTE to protect their children against recruitment but LTTE no longer provided this option in the last months of conflicts. In March 2009, LTTE was said to have introduced a quota system whereby teams of six cadres needed to return with 30 conscripts or they will be subjected to severe punishment. Recruited children received minimal training as they were used as front-line troops to protect the senior leadership and because of that many children have been among the casualties during fighting. According to Tamil Centre for Human Rights (2006), the Sri Lanka government is responsible for the grave and systematic violations against the children as they sought to cover it up with misinformation and propaganda. They also benefited from the collusion of the unwitting international community, the people concerned about issues regarding child rights, which supported the government with neutrality since 1983. It was found that under aged soldiers were recruited with the help of bogus birth certificates that were manipulated by the government, showing them as over 18 years old. When the Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflicts (OP/AC) was being drawn up, Sri Lankan government tried to reduce the recruiting age to 16 for states as there were more than 100,000 army deserters. Furthermore, recruits aged 18 and above did not come forward, forcing the government to recruit under aged children. The International human rights law protecting childrens rights had been selectively used by the government thus suppressing the people rather than protecting the rights of the children. The optional protocol was never tested for any child soldiers to find their real age, thus not helping and preventing the children from being recruited. Tamil Centre for Human Rights (2006) noted that even with the support of the international community, the Sri Lankan government could not suppress the Tamil resistance movement that garnered the support of the people. Therefore the government started raising the child soldier issue, with small groups which did not have popular support and with the so-called human rights organisations, with the intention of discrediting the resistance movement. After the ceasefire agreement between the Government of the Democratic Socialist Repuclic of Sri Lanka and LTTE in 2002, there was a significant decrease in recruitment of child soldiers. United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) was working with LTTE to develop an action plan to reintegrate the children, providing them with assistance to school. They also agreed to monitor and prevent child recruitment in the future. Under international pressure, the LTTE announced that it would stop conscripting child soldier in the 2003, but the UNICEF and Human Rights watch (HRW) have accused it of going against its promises, conscripting Tamil children orphaned by the tsunami. UNICEF claimed that LTTE recruited at least 40 children orphaned by the Tsunami. However, from the start of 2007 LTTE agreed to release all of the recruits under the age of 18. Up to 25% of the children have either one or both parents dead or displaced due to war. Victims of war in Northeast region were sent to â€Å"welfare centres†and around 175 000 Tamils were at the centres in 2000. 50% of the victims were children. A survey held in 2000 revealed that they were deeply traumatised. The suicide rate in these centres is threefold of the national average, hitting 103%. (Refer to Fig. 1) It has been proven by a survey done by The Butterfly Peace Garden in 2000 that children in Sri Lanka are exposed to too much war contents. (Refer to Fig. 2) Besides that, study has shown that 95% of the children attending The Butterfly Peace Garden suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). For 92% of these children, the cause of PTSD is due to the conflict within Sri Lanka.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Personal Justice and Homicide in Scott’s Ivanhoe: :: Scott Ivanhoe Psychology papers
Personal Justice and Homicide in Scott’s Ivanhoe Abstract: Scott’s Ivanhoe reveals a conflict between our innate concept of justice as personal justice and the impersonal justice which is imposed on us by the modern nation-state. This conflict causes the split between the proper hero, who affirms the order of impersonal justice, and the dark hero, who acts according to personal justice, in Scott’s work. In Evolution and Literary Theory, Joseph Carroll provides a paradigm for the integration of literary criticism with evolutionary psychology. First, he argues that literary critics should learn to understand and respect the evidence for the basic contention of evolutionary psychology, namely, that the human mind is not a blank slate which receives all of its content from an external culture, but that human cognition and the culture that is based on it are highly constrained by innate psychological mechanisms, which evolved in the environment in which humans spent most of their evolutionary history, the hunting-gathering bands of Pleistocene Africa. Humans evolved a rich array of specialized mental mechanisms for dealing with this environment, including mechanisms for determining mate value (see Buss), for protecting kin (see Daly and Wilson, 17-121), for social exchange (see Cosmides and Tooby 1992) and many others. These psychological mechanisms collectively form the human nature which underlies the production and consumption of literary texts. However, the scope of an evolutionarily informed literary analysis is not limited to simply finding these human universals in literary texts. Rather, many of these psychological mechanisms are â€Å"open programs†which permit of a wide range of cultural and individual variation (Carroll 152). Carroll identifies the three levels at which a literary criticism informed by evolutionary psychology should work: human nature, cultural order, and individual identity (150). While human nature constrains all cultural productions, â€Å"cultural forms are themselves the product of a complex interaction among various innate dispositions and between innate dispositions and variable environmental conditions†(152). Evolutionary psychology enables us to understand not only literary universals, but also the complex and often conflicting relationship between human nature, culture, and the individual. In their book Homicide, evolutionary psychologists Margo Wilson and Martin Daly identify one such conflict between human nature and the contemporary cultural order. They argue that humans have an innate concept of justice which is based on the idea of personal revenge. According to this concept of justice, it is legitimate and even praise-worthy for people to whom a wrong has been done to avenge the wrong-doing themselves.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Ball and Chain: Why The NCAA
Be The term, â€Å"student athlete†is a polarizing one. In todays America, college sports particularly football and basketball, are as much a part of the sports enthusiast's landscape as is any professional sport. In any case, with enthusiasm comes money. In this case, billions of dollars are generated by television viewership, merchandise sales and university boosters. College athletes are the driving force behind an industry where television executives, university presidents, athletic directors and coaches are compensated in a manner which makes them among the most wealthy eople in the world.The athletes receive in return an education from a well respected university, along with name and sometimes facial recognition in their fields of interest. However, the student on a physics scholarship receives the same opportunity for education and name recognition in his field that the athlete does. The difference is, the physics student isn't selling millions of dollars worth of Jers eys. The physics student is also allowed to pursue compensation for applying his craft as he sees fit while enrolled at the university while the athlete is not allowed to work or ven accept perks brought about by his celebrity.The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) serves as the oppressive monopoly which seeks to capitalize on the dreams of young athletes by requiring their servitude, likeness and name in exchange for the slimmest of opportunities to attract employment in their field of interest. Like any other oppressor or monopoly that came before it, the NCAA should be abolished and replaced with a model that is mindful of equality, as well as human and civil rights.The NCAA has blocked every road that an athlete may have to apitalize on his hard work during his time at his respective university. Only recently has the legality of such roadblocks been challenged. Due to its litany of regulations designed to stifle player movement or compensation, many, such as Pulitze r prize winning author and historian Taylor Branch, have argued that the current structure of the NCAA rivals that of a slave plantation or drug cartel.Branch scoffs at the correlation between the terms â€Å"student athlete†and â€Å"amateur,†stating in an article in The Atlantic, â€Å"No legal definition of amateur exists, and any attempt to create one in nforceable law would expose its repulsive and unconstitutional nature a bill of attainder, stripping from college athletes the rights of American citizenship. †(Branch 2). At the heart of that argument is the question, what constitutes an employee? Blacks Law dictionary defines â€Å"employee†as â€Å"a person in the service of another under any contract of hire, expressed or implied, oral or written, where the employer has the power or right to control or direct the employee in the material details of how the work is to be performed†(Muhl 2). An athletic scholarship is clear example of a ritten contract which both overtly and implicitly stipulates that the school is willing to exchange an education for the athlete's services on the school's sports team.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Knife Crime Essay Essay
Hi. Today i am going to be talking to you about knife crime and how it affects our society. Lately in the news Jay Whiston a 17 year old boy was fatally stabbed innocently outside a house party. Such a waste of a life for a young boy that had his whole future ahead of him. Knife crime has increased over the past couple of years due to the amount of gang violence going on. While the large majority of young people follow the law a small number of people do find themselves getting involved in knife crime. The few reasons that teenagers may get involved with knife crime are because of family problems, at school where they are influenced by someone who is involved in gangs. Some teenagers just want to fit in, so they join gangs and hang around with trouble makers, and some teenagers think that by killing someone and having a knife gives them power. However carrying a knife is illegal in the UK and the courts will take firm action if you are found with one. Some people may say they carry a knife around for different reasons such as: Protection * Self defence * Fear * Peer pressure * To gain respect , power or control As you may know not all people who carry weapons intend to use them. But if you are carrying a weapon and get into an argument, the situation is more likely to get out of hand and you are more likely to be provoked/stupid enough to use it. You could seriously injure someone or someone could use your weapon to seriously injure you. Police have the power to stop you and search you if they believe that you are carrying a weapon. So this is your choice whether you plan to use it or not, you could end up in a lot of trouble and the consequences would be serious. Knife crime can affect anyone, not just people in gangs. This could affect: * Innocent people that get caught in the middle of other people’s rows/arguments and could suffer with serious injuries or worse. * Police officers that could be trying to sort a situation out. * The community because they wouldn’t want to leave their houses knowing that there is knife crime going on and they could get stabbed. * Children that are growing up, as they may be influenced by older people and may think it is cool. Remember that an injury may look small, but any inside damage can kill. The law is it is illegal for a shop to sell any kind of knife to anyone who is under 18. You will be committing an offence if you buy any of these items. Did you know that owning a knife even if it is yours or not is illegal and can end in a prison sentence? Some knives are illegal even for adults to buy. They are completely banned: * Flick knives(where the blade is hidden inside the handle and shoots out when a button is pressed) * Butterfly knives (where the blade is hidden inside a handle that splits in two around it, like wings; the handles swing around the blade to open or close it) * Disguised knives (where the blade is hidden inside a belt buckle or fake mobile phone) * gravity knives * sword-sticks * hand or foot-claws * push daggers Carrying a weapon in school does not mean that the school is only involved; the police will also be involved. These are some of the consequences for anyone who is found carrying a knife: †¢It is illegal to carry a knife or a gun, even a fake one. †¢If you are caught with a knife or a gun whether you say it was for your own protection or you were carrying it for someone else, you will be arrested there and then. †¢Control of a knife can carry a prison sentence of up to 4 years even if it’s not used. †¢If you stab somebody and they die, you will face a life sentence and you will be in prison for minimum prison sentence of 25 years. Remember that the law is clear. If you choose to carry a weapon, you are putting your future in danger. If you don’t take it with you, it won’t be used.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Introduction to Demand in Economics
Introduction to Demand in Economics In general, to demand means to ask for urgently. That said, the concept of demand takes on a very particular, and somewhat different, meaning in economics. Economically speaking, to demand something means to be willing, able and ready to purchase a good or service. Lets examine each of these requirements in turn: Willing to purchase- Being willing to purchase simply means that one likes an item enough to want to buy it, and this is usually what people think of when they encounter the concept of demand. However, its important to remember that, while its good to want things, desire to purchase is not the only requirement for economic demand.Able to purchase- Wanting to purchase an item doesnt mean a whole lot if one doesnt have the means to make the transaction happen. Therefore, the ability to purchase is another important factor in demand. Economists dont specify how an individual must be able to pay for an item- he can pay with cash, check, credit card, money borrowed from friends or taken from the piggy bank, etc.Ready to purchase- Demand is, by its nature, a current quantity, so an individual is only said to demand something if he is willing and able to purchase it now as opposed to some point in the future. Putting these three requirements together, it is reasonable to think of demand as answering the question If a seller were to show up right now with a whole truckload of the item in question, how much would an individual purchase? Demand is a pretty straightforward concept, but there are a few other things to keep in mind. Individual vs. Market Demand Not surprisingly, demand for any given item varies from person to person. Nonetheless, market demand can be constructed by adding together the individual demands of all of the buyers in a market. Implicit Time Units It doesn’t really make sense to describe demand without time units. For example, if someone asked â€Å"how many ice cream cones do you demand?†you would need more information in order to answer the question. Does demand mean demand today? This week? This year? All of these time units are going to result in different quantities demanded, so it’s important to specify which one you are talking about. Unfortunately, economists are often somewhat lax about mentioning the time units explicitly, but you should remember that they are always there.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Music industry as a cultural industry
Music industry as a cultural industry Introduction The music industry normally deals with production and selling of pieces of music. It encompasses artistes, the firms and experts who produce and sell the recorded music. There are also concert promoters and agents, entertainment legal representatives, musical device producers, among others.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Music industry as a cultural industry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The term cultural industry refers to a range of establishments that generate, deal out and trade in merchandise that downrightly fall under imaginative arts. Examples of such merchandise include music, films and publications, among others. A cultural industry is normally a broad grouping of a given form of production. For instance, a music store selling records and albums provides work for salespeople, administrators and customers. The trade of these products relies on other cultural industry dealings. Musicians hav e to carry out their recordings, distributors need to vend the music and recording studios have to do their part. Firms tasked with production of all needed equipment like tapes and compact discs, among others are also counted in this industry. Music industry as a cultural industry Cultural creations are usually holders of distinctiveness, standards and significance and aspects of economic and societal improvement. The preservation and back up of cultural multiplicity directs to the promotion of the development of cultural industries that have the capability to cause an impact on a local and international scale. Cultural entities, as mentioned earlier, create and deal out cultural commodities or services which at any instance are deemed as a definite quality, exemplify and put across cultural expressions, just like music and its other related compositions. The music industry is already one of the most vibrant fields of the global economy and trade and is bound to grow even more with time, providing new business sides especially to the developing economies of the world. Any form of music that is produced in any given setting normally mirrors that society’s way of life and practices, which is basically their culture and ways of life. This music also serves to form that society by way of the practices of homogeneity and commoditization, coming up with commodities rather than subjects.Advertising Looking for report on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The cultural industry’s aim is to meet the populace’s entertainment requirements just like the music industry. Normalized creations were initially obtained from the requirements of the end users and this is the reason as to why they usually encounter little or no resistance at all. In the real sense, a sequence of operation and retroactive requirement is fusing the music industry ever more firmly. Through the normali zing of these requirements, the industry is influencing its products’ consumers to yearn for them even more. The end result is that mass production supplies a mass marketplace that diminishes the distinctiveness and likes of the particular end users who are as exchangeable as the commodities and services they require. The underlying principle of the premise is to enhance the liberation of the targeted end user from the oppression of the producers through the induction of the consumer to query given ideas, much in the same way as normal culture or the cultural industry. This form of clarification is intended to bring out pluralism. Anything that is made up by an individual is a manifestation of their efforts and an implication of their objectives. There is also a utilization value, which is normally obtained from the use. This is the case for both musical products and the general human cultures and ways of life. The trade worth for music usually is a reflection of its use and the state of the marketplace in question. The cultural industry blends the ancient and the recognizable in today’s world to come up with fresh and innovative creations. The same is the case with the music industry. In almost all the sectors involved, commodities that are meant for the use by masses and which themselves are responsible for their acceptance are normally produced to a large extent in accordance to a plan. The sectors by themselves have similarities in their framework and mostly bond into each other, resulting in an almost complete set up. This is as a result of modern-day technological abilities and cost-effective and organizational absorption. The cultural industry deliberately assimilates its subjects from the top. It compels the specialties of high and low abilities that are set apart for thousands if not millions of years, the same way as the music industry. The importance of high art is devastated by assumption concerning its effectiveness, the importance o f the lower passes away with the progressive limits inflicted on the defiant confrontation intrinsic within it as much as societal control is not present in entirety.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Music industry as a cultural industry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The masses are normally a thing of maneuver, an accessory of the whole process for both the cultural and music industries. The targeted end user is not actually the king; he or she is actually the object. This is despite the fact that the culture industry indisputably hypothesizes on the cognizant and incognizant state of the millions in the direction of which it is sent. Music normally spreads through the mass media like radios and television sets. The term mass-media that was in particular set up for the cultural industry and serves to imply an undamaging ground or venture. The cultural industry uses wrongly its concern for the populace in a bid to replicate, buttress and build up their frame of mind, which it believes is certain and unalterable. The way through which frame of mind might be transformed is left out all through. Just like in music, the targeted populace is not the gauge but the operation principles of the culture industry, nevertheless, both these industries can barely be in place minus being accustomed to the targeted masses. The cultural goods and services of both the music and cultural industries are ruled by the standard of their recognition as worth, and not by their being in possession of explicit substance and harmonious set up. The whole application of the cultural industry with the gain motivation is the same for the music industry. From the time when these industries first started to eke a living for their originators, there has never been looking back. In those times, gains were sought indirectly unlike later times and presently when the profit drive is not hidden in any way. The independence of work of art like music was then corrupted by a combination of aspects and was normalized by the culture industry, the deliberate input of those in control notwithstanding. This was actually in a bid to land fresh opportunities for earning foreign exchange for various nations, but the major focus was in the first world nations at the time. The opportunities that these people had gotten accustomed to turned out to be more and more unstable as a consequence of the same application procedure which by it meant the culture industry was to continue with its all-pervading principle.Advertising Looking for report on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Just like music, culture in the real sense did not just contain itself to people but it at all times concurrently made an objection in opposition to the frightened associations under which they operated, and thus lived by them. Cultural bodies characteristic of this industry are not commodities any more, they are goods and services entirely. This budge definitely calls for completely new experiences. In the end, the cultural industry does not need to straightly be after the gains from which it arose. All the mentioned curiosities have ended up being externalized in their ideologies and have made themselves free of the persuasion to sell the cultural commodities which must be consumed up in the end anyway, for both these industries. These industries turn into public relations in utter disregard for specific entities or saleable commodities. Brought to the fore in this is a broad serious compromise, adverts made up for humanity, such that in the end each commodity of the industries tu rns into its own classified commercial. Nonetheless, all those qualities which initially stamped the alteration of literature into a product are upheld in this course. Both the music and cultural industries have their metaphysics, a set up of firmly conventional fundamental categories which can be brought together. What stands up as progress in both these industries as the relentlessly new which it provides is usually the disguise for an everlasting similarity; universally the alterations conceal a frame which has varied just a bit as the profit push factor itself from the initial instances. This means that the term industry is not to be taken for its literal meaning. It best refers to the normalization of the thing itself and not entirely to the production process. The aforementioned case prevails even in music, which is a core segment of the culture of any community or society, and the production course is similar to the technical forms of action in the broad division of labor and use of all machinery and other equipment involved. Just like the cultural industry, the music industry is majorly in place for the service of third persons, upholding its attraction to the diminishing distribution progression of funds, to the business from which it came into existence. Its main principle is about the use of the star method whose main operation principle is that the more inhuman its ways of maneuver and substance then the more meticulously and effectively the industry develops apparently great individuals and operates like a well-oiled machine. The cultural industry is industrial more in a sociological aspect in the integration of industrial forms of association even though nothing is physically produced. The idea of technique in the cultural industry is similar with technique in music production. The idea behind all these is mainly the internal organization of the object or commodity itself. Both these industries locate ideological back up accurately in so far as t hey effectively protect themselves from the full impending of the techniques embodied in their outcomes. They operate in a parasitic manner, from the practice of the substance production of commodities, with no regard for the requirement to the inner inventive whole entailed by its practicality. Both the music industry and cultural industry share the idea of aura, the being there of that which actually is absent. The culture industry does not counter poise another standard to that of aura, but somewhat by the reality that it preserves the festering aura. The same is the case with the music industry and by these means they bring to the fore their own ideological misuses. Conclusion It has in recent times become normal among cultural and musical top of the ladder persons as well as sociologists to caution against downplaying their specific industries at the same time emphasizing the great significance of these fields to humanity. As matter of fact, these industries are vital and whoev er ignores them would be really naà ¯ve. However, there is a misleading gleam concerning the caution to take them seriously. Due to the fact that these industries are majorly social, inquisitive queries about quality, about truths or falsehoods and about the aesthetics of the products from these fields, are usually suppressed. People raising these queries are pointed the finger at of seeking refuge in egotistical mystery. It would be wiser to initially point to the twofold implication of significance that slowly finds it way in without being seen. As much as it touches the lives of many individuals the purpose of something is not an assurance of its particular quality. The bringing together of aesthetics with enduring communicative elements should lead art work like music and general culture to the right place in disagreement with artistic snobbery. The significance of the music and cultural industries in the divine formation of the masses should be no exemption for suggestion on t heir legitimating, their crucial being and least of all by a discipline which perceives it to be practical.
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